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[ 2008-04-07 19:49 ]


文化面面观  夏威夷的清风——Keanu Reeves 基努•里维斯

考考你   一展身手





Bob: Jack, I saw you on TV. Congratulations.

Jack: Thanks, Bob.

Bob: Yeah, you looked fat.

Vinnie: Be easy on him, Bob. The boy was up late last night partying.

Bob: A wild party, huh?

Jack: Yeah, well, I don't remember it that well. Couldn't have been too great. I woke up alone.

Bob: Yeah? Well, you know, the last time I partied like that, I woke up married, huh, Vinnie?

Vinnie: Hey, Jack, you forgot your muffins.

Jack: Have a good one, Bob.

Bob: Thanks, Jack. Take care, huh?

Jack: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Woman: Call 9-1-1!

Howard Payne: What do you think, Jack? You think if you pick up all the bus driver's teeth, they'll give you another medal?

Jesus: Jesus!

Howard Payne: You think I wouldn't have been prepared? Two years I spent setting up that elevator job. Two years I invested myself in it. You couldn't understand the kind of commitment that I have. You ruin a man's life's work, and you think you can walk away. You got blinders on to the world. But I got your attention now, didn't I, Jack?

Jack: Why didn't you just come after me?

Howard Payne: No, this is about me. This is about my money. This is about money due me. Which I will collect. $3.7 million. It's my nest egg, Jack. At my age, you gotta think ahead.

Jack: When I find you...

Howard Payne: Pop quiz, hotshot. There's a bomb on a bus. Once the bus goes 50 miles an hour, the bomb is armed. If it drops below 50, it blows up. What do you do? What do you do!

Jack: I'd wanna know what bus it was.

Howard Payne: You think I'm gonna tell you that?

Jack: Yes.

Howard Payne: Very good. There are rules, Jack, andI want you to get this right. No one goes off the bus. You try to take any passengers off the bus, I will detonate it. I want my money by 11: 00 am.

Jack: We can't pull that kind of money in time.

Howard Payne: Focus, Jack! Your concern is the bus. And don't try to call. The radio's down. Now, the number of the bus is 2525. It's running downtown from Venice. It is at the corner of Ocean Park and Main.


1. I saw you on TV

这句话的意思是“我在电视上看到你了/我看到你上电视了”,on TV就是表示“在电视(节目)上”,如果说what’s on TV,就表示“有什么电视节目啊”。

2. be easy on someone

这个片语的意思是“对某人宽容/包容些”,比如:Can’t you be easy on him? He’s only five years old. 你就不能对他宽容点?他才五岁啊!

和这个片语意思相反的就是be hard on someone,意思就是“对某人严厉/苛责”,比如:Jeff was too hard on his girl friend. Finally, they broke up. 杰夫对她女朋友太挑刺了。最后他们分手了。

3. wild party


4. You got blinders on to the world

Blinder 是指“眼罩”,这句话的意思就是“你对周围的世界完全不了解。”

5. nest egg


6. think ahead

就是“提前打算”了,比如:Since you’re going to graduate from the university, you gotta think ahead about your career. 你要大学毕业了,得提前考虑一下工作的事情了。

7. the bomb is armed

Arm 用作动词,本指“备战”,这里的意思是“启动”。

8. I want you to get this right

你得明白这些(规则)。Get right 一般表示“弄明白,弄清楚”之类的意思,比如:Let me get this right. You owe me 20 bucks. 我给你说清楚了,你欠我二十块钱。

9. We can't pull that kind of money in time.


10. The radio's down.



文化面面观  夏威夷的清风——Keanu Reeves 基努•里维斯

考考你   一展身手

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