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[ 2008-06-30 17:50 ]


文化面面观  好莱坞女星典范 Jodie Foster

考考你 一展身手



Mills: I don't know, man. I'd say he's whacked enough.

Somerset: Doesn't fit. He doesn't want us to help him stop.

Mills: Who knows? Someboby freaks out there, doing their little evil deeds they don't want to do. "Voices made me do it. My dog made me do it.” "Jodie Foster told me to do it."

Man: You know, I've seen this nearly take three days to make a match so maybe you guys want to cross your fingers somewhere else.

Somerset: You meant what you said to Mrs. Gould about catching this guy?

Mills: Yeah.

Somerset: I wish I still thought the way you do.

Mills: Why don't you tell me what the hell it is you think we're doing?

Somerset: Picking up the pieces. We're collecting all the evidence, taking all the pictures and samples, writing everything down, noting the time things happen.

Mills: That's all?

Somerset: That's all. Putting everything into neat little piles and filing it away on the off chance it will ever be needed in the courtroom. Picking up diamonds on a deserted island, saving them in case we get rescued.

Mills: Bullshit.

Somerset: Even the most promising clues usually only lead to others. So many corpses roll away unrevenged.

Mills: Don't try to tell me you didn't get that rush tonight. I saw you. We're getting somewhere.


1. freak out

这个片语的意思是“behave or cause to behave irrationally and uncontrollably, with enthusiasm, excitement, fear, or madness 因狂热、兴奋、恐惧或是狂躁而导致行动不理智,紧张,激动等等”,例如:The band's wild playing made the audience freak out. 乐队的狂野表演把观众吓坏了。

2. cross one's fingers

是指“把一手指交叉在一只手的另一手指上”,以“祝好运气,心想事成”,比如:We're crossing our fingers and hoping that the weather stays fine. 我们乞求好运,希望天气能一直好下去。


文化面面观  好莱坞女星典范 Jodie Foster


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