考考你 小试牛刀
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Jane: Good morning, Gina.
Gina: Hi.
Jane: You haven't seen my Filofax anywhere, have you?
Gina: No.
Jane: No. Okay. I'll go look for it. Did you get those catalog pages in for George?
Gina: No.
Jane: Okay. No worries. I'll get them from production.
Casey: Attagirl. Show her who's boss.
Jane: I'm not her boss.

Casey: You're the boss's assistant. Same diff. What's the good of your job if you can't abuse the power?
Jane: Casey, go to Accounting.
Casey: Now you're bossy.
Jane: Where the hell did I put that thing?
Kevin: That is a great idea for the front page of the section.
Maureen: Oh, come on, Doyle. How many times have I heard this from you?
Kevin: I'm telling you, Maureen: It's a great idea.
Maureen: Really? As great as your last great idea, an expose on price-fixing at wedding bakeries?
Kevin: Yes! Yes! They're ripping people off. Flour costs pennies per ounce. That's an 800% markup. It's outrageous.
Maureen: Yes, it is. Also, no one cares.

Kevin: What about the piece I wanted to do on the exploitation of workers in lace factories? That is a killer piece.
Maureen: Oh, right. That's what people really wanna read about in the Style section. Kevin, this section practically pays for the entire paper: Our advertisers want fun, upbeat, colorful human-interest stories... opposite their products.
Kevin: So that's what we're about now? Making money?
Maureen: Get out.
Kevin: All right. Listen. That was not right. I get it. But this one is. Look, this woman has been in seven weddings-
Maureen: So?
Kevin: This year. She was in two on Saturday alone. But it won't just be about her. It'll be an incisive look at how the wedding industry has transformed something: That should be an important rite of passage into nothing more than a corporate revenue stream. In a fun, upbeat, you know, cheerful way. Look, Maureen, I am dying back there in Commitments. If I have to write another sentence about baby's breath, I'm gonna shoot myself. This is a real story. This is what I wanna do.
Maureen: I need you covering weddings. That's what you're good at. And that's what I need you to do.
Kevin: If you don't start giving me feature stories, I'm gonna have to quit.
Maureen: All right. One chance. If I don't like it, you go back to Commitments for the rest of your life with a big smile on that ridiculously handsome face of yours.
Kevin: Deal.
1. Filofax: 备忘记事本。Filofax是一种商标的名称,指一种轻便的活页文件夹,用来装日记本、文件、信用卡等,80年代雅皮士族经常备带。
2. Attagirl: 好啊,好棒,an informal expression of encouragement or admiration to a woman or girl(表达对女性的赞叹,非正式用语)。
3. Same diff: 一回事。Same diff是一种 oxymoron(矛盾修辞法),用来形容something as being the same as something else(两件事其实是一回事),常在说错话时用来做借口。
例如:"You said jackflap, not flapjack" "Same-diff")“你刚才说的是jackflap,而不是flapjack。”“那不是一回事嘛。”
4. bossy: 专横的,盛气凌人的。
例如:No, she is stingy, narrow-minded and bossy.(不,她小气,心胸狭窄,又拔扈。)
5. front page: 头版。
例如:The news got a front-page splash.(该消息在头版醒目地登出),而排front page的版面,我们就可以说:to make up the front page。
6. price-fixing: 限定价格,指一种价格垄断行为。Maureen在这里是说,Kevin上次报道了婚礼蛋糕店“开天杀价”的行为。
7. rip off: 宰客,敲诈。
The used car advertisement is a big rip-off.(这个二手汽车广告是个大骗局),我们从不刊登这样的广告to rip off the customers(宰客)。
8. rite of passage: (标志人生重要阶段的)通过仪式,重大事件,a ceremony or an event that marks an important stage in sb's life. 比如出生、成人、结婚等等,所以有时也用复数rites of passages。
9. die back: 枯死,枝叶枯萎。Kevin在这里的意思是说,“我写《承诺》专栏写到闷”。
10.baby's breath: 水香花菜,满天星,这里泛指婚礼上的花束。
11:deal: 一言为定。这个词现在常单独使用,用来表示答应对方提出的条件。
考考你 小试牛刀