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Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日记2》精讲之五

[ 2011-08-24 16:30]     字号 [] [] []  
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精彩对白:My dad should be happy that I'm hanging out with Rodrick. But I don't think he really likes Bill. I think what he is worried about is that I will turn out like Rodrick, Manny will turn out like me, and eventually, we all turn out like Bill.


Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2《小屁孩日记2》精讲之五

The word shampoo in English is derived from Hindi chāmpo, and dates to 1762. The Hindi word referred to head massage, usually with some form of hair oil. Similar words also occur in other North Indian languages. The word and the service of head massage were introduced to Britain by a Bengali entrepreneur named Sake Dean Mahomed. Dean Mahomed introduced the practice to Basil Cochrane's vapour baths while working there in London in the early 19th century, and later, together with his Irish wife, opened "Mahomed's Steam and Vapour Sea Water Medicated Baths" in Brighton, England. His baths were like Turkish baths where clients received an Indian treatment of champi (shampooing), meaning therapeutic massage. He was appointed "Shampooing Surgeon" to both George IV and William IV.

In the 1860s, the meaning of the word shifted from the sense of massage to that of applying soap to the hair. Earlier, ordinary soap had been used for washing hair. However, the dull film soap left on the hair made it uncomfortable, irritating, and unhealthy looking.

During the early stages of shampoo, English hair stylists boiled shaved soap in water and added herbs to give the hair shine and fragrance. Kasey Hebert was the first known maker of shampoo, and the origin is currently attributed to him. Commercially made shampoo was available from the turn of the 20th century. A 1914 ad for Canthrox Shampoo in American Magazine showed young women at camp washing their hair with Canthrox in a lake; magazine ads in 1914 by Rexall featured Harmony Hair Beautifier and Shampoo.

Originally, soap and shampoo were very similar products; both containing the same naturally derived surfactants, a type of detergent. Modern shampoo as it is known today was first introduced in the 1930s with Drene, the first shampoo with synthetic surfactants. (Source: Wikipedia)


1. 他换上了一般人穿的灰色工装裤。

2. 他那样漠不关心,使我大惑不解。

3. 你到底在搞什么名堂?马上停止!

4. 她对瑜伽和园艺很着迷。

《小屁孩日记2》精讲之四 参考答案

1. His wife walked out on him, and was later seen in a neighboring city with another man.

2. Helen told on her sister Mary.

3. They refused to back off.

4. She thumbed through the big loose-leaf binder.

精彩对白:My dad should be happy that I'm hanging out with Rodrick. But I don't think he really likes Bill. I think what he is worried about is that I will turn out like Rodrick, Manny will turn out like me, and eventually, we all turn out like Bill.



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