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What You Give Away

[ 2012-10-29 17:06]     字号 [] [] []  
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What You Give Away by Vince Gill & Sheryl Crow

You read the business page

See how you did today

Life's just passed you by

You live up on the hill

You've got a view that kills

Never wonder why

After you've counted everything you saved

Do you ever hit your knees and pray

What You Give Away

You know there's gonna be a judgment day

So what will you say

No matter what you make

All that you can take

Is what you give away

What you give away

There's people on the street

Ain't got enough to eat

You just shake your head

The measure of a man is one who lends a hand

That's what my father said

After you've counted everything you saved

Do you ever hit your knees and pray

You know there's gonna be a judgment day

So what will you say

No matter what you make

What You Give Away

All that you can take

It’s what you give away

It’s what you give away

After you've counted everything you saved

Do you ever hit your knees and pray

You know there's gonna be a judgment day

So what will you say

No matter what you make

All that you can take

It’s what you give away

You know it's not too late

It's all for Heaven's sake

What you give away

What you give away

What you give away

What You Give Away中文歌词

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