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Selfie ban at festival in India 印度禁止民众在节日庆典活动自拍


Selfie ban at festival in India 印度禁止民众在节日庆典活动自拍


印度官方宣布禁止民众在重大节日庆典中自拍以防止踩踏事件的发生。此规定在大壶节( Kumbh Mela )开始实行。大壶节每三年举行一次,是重要的印度教庆典活动。以下是  Charles Haviland  的报道。

The Kumbh Mela is currently under way at two venues in Maharashtra state with nearly three million Hindus attending.

For any pilgrim its culmination is the so-called royal bath in a river deemed sacred. It's during this bathing, which starts in just under two weeks' time, that selfies are being banned.

A special investigation team says people get too engrossed with their phone cameras and stop moving for too long. That leads to pushing, and sometimes panic. But an official says selfies will still be allowed on other days so as not to detract from the festive mood.


attending 参与,参加
pilgrim 朝圣者
selfies 自拍照
banned 被禁止
engrossed 专注的,全神贯注的
panic 惊慌,恐慌局面
festive mood 节日的气氛



1. How many people are attending the festival?
2. True or false? There are worries about safety.
3. Is there a selfie ban every day at the festival?
4. How would you describe the mood at the festival? 


1. How many people are attending the festival?
Answer: There will be nearly 3 million people at the festival. 

2. True or false? There are worries about safety. 
Answer: True. If the crowd stops moving because people are looking at their cameras, other people may start pushing and panicking. And that's the reason for a selfie ban.

3. Is there a selfie ban every day at the festival?
Answer: No, on some days selfies are allowed.  

4. How would you describe the mood at the festival?
Answer: It's a happy mood - a festive mood!


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