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英国著名的先锋戏剧大师蒂姆•克劳奇(Tim Crouch)首度来华演出!他带来了令他名满世界的莎士比亚独角戏中最新的一部《我,马瓦利奥》(I, Malvolio),角色改编自《第十二夜》(Twelfth Night)中一个压抑的管家,既搞笑又令人心生怜悯,让你在剧场中亲眼见证“一秒钟由小丑变国王”的大师级表演,是最不容错过的精彩之作!

蒂姆•克劳奇是英国先锋戏剧艺术家,也是一名演员、作家和导演。他撰写剧本、参演其中的角色,对作品高度负责。他的戏剧表演形式多样,但却对传统舞台表演形式尤其是现实主义敬而远之。克劳奇还邀请观众参与进行戏剧创作。继《我,卡列班》(I, Caliban)、《我,豆花》(I, Peaseblossom)和《我,班柯》(I, Banquo)取得巨大成功后,蒂姆•克劳奇以作品《我,马瓦利奥》强势回归,该独角戏改编自《第十二夜》中的英雄人物。在2010年,他凭借该剧荣获布莱顿艺术节(the Brighton Festival)最佳男演员奖。《我,马瓦利奥》是一部讲述什么是旁观者和如何做旁观者的戏剧,其表演形式与单口相声相似。克劳奇以《第十二夜》中浮夸而目中无人的舞台清教徒形象出现,却以其悲惨受辱结局告终。这是一个关于尊严丧失,玩世不恭,凌强欺弱的故事。这种单口相声的叙事魔力令观众深深陷入莎士比亚经典喜剧的疯狂之中。


2014年11月8 - 9日,北京首都剧场•实验剧场(11月8日2:30pm和7:30pm各有一场,11月9日7:30pm)

2014年11月11 - 13日,南京大学仙林校区黑匣子


本剧为爱丁堡前沿剧展2014 英国单元的巡演戏剧之一,爱丁堡艺穗节是世界上最盛大的艺术节庆活动之一。由英国文化协会举办的“爱丁堡艺穗节优秀戏剧节目展演(Edinburgh Showcase)”,每两年一度,精心挑选出一系列代表当今英国最出色的中小型戏剧作品,通过与全球各地的制作人及演出机构合作,让世界各地观众有机会同步欣赏到爱丁堡艺穗节上的精彩作品。

今年9月,英国大使馆/总领事馆文化教育处携手北京柒零柒恩剧团,为中国观众带来2013年爱丁堡艺穗节优秀戏剧节目展演上四部最具代表性的作品,包括纸电影剧团(Paper Cinema)的《奥德赛》(odyssey)、壁虎剧团(Gecko)的《迷失》(Missing)以及有“苏格兰剧场之王”美誉的蒂姆•克劳奇的两部作品《我,马瓦利奥》和《等到深夜又如何》(What Happens to the Hope at the End of the Night)。这一系列风格新颖、形式多样的作品,将为中国观众带来崭新的戏剧视野和体验。在爱丁堡前沿剧展英国单元举行期间,还有英国剧团大师讲座、工作坊、戏剧研讨会等众多与公众交流的活动同步进行,巡演路线包括上海、北京、武汉、广州、南京等城市,是一个为国内资深戏剧爱好者和铁杆戏迷们度身定造的“戏剧节日”,绝对不容错失。

I, Malvolio by Tim Crouch

Tim Crouch, a renowned UK theatre pioneers, brings the latest show of his world-renowned Shakespeare mono-dramas.

I, Malvoliois a play about what it is to be a spectator and about our responsibilities as spectators. In a performance close to standup comedy, Crouch appears as the pompous, theatre-despising, puritan steward from Twelfth Night, following his humiliation at the end of that play. A story of lost dignity, prudery, practical jokes and bullying, this one man act of storytelling alchemy draws us deep into the madness of Shakespeare’s classic comedy.

This is a golden opportunity to enjoy the master’s performance in theatre, a split-second transformation from a clown to a king.


8-9 November 2014, 3 Performances in Beijing Capital Theatre, Experiment Theatre(2 performances on 8 Nov, 2:30pm and 7:30pm, 9 Nov at 7.30pm)

11-13 November, Nanjing UniverstityXianlin, Black Box theatre

14-16 November 2014, Shanghai Grand Theatre, Black Box theatre

Master Class/Lecture Face to face with Tim Crouch

Tim Crouch is an UK experimental theatre artist: an actor, writer and director. He writes, produces and performs plays. His plays take various forms, but all reject theatrical conventions, especially realism, and invite the audience to help create the work.

Tim's talk will focus on:

• How to reconstruct classic texts

• How to perform under the condition of no set and no light

• How to interact with the audience during the performance.

Edinburgh Fringe Showcase 2014

Co-organised by British Council China and Beijing 707 N-Theatre, the Edinburgh Fringe Showcase 2014 will take place in China from September to November 2014.

The British Council's Edinburgh Showcase is a biennial showcase of contemporary UK performance, featuring some of the most outstanding productions made in the UK.

Selected from the Edinburgh Showcase 2013, four plays will tour to China in the autumn of 2014. These plays include Odyssey by the Paper Cinema; Missing by the Gecko ; and I, Malvolio. What Happens To the Hope at the End of the Night by the man dubbed as the king of Scottish Theatre, Tim Crouch, is the final play in the showcase.

These four plays will introduce the unique creativity and diverse vision of UK theatre productions to Chinese audiences. An exciting range of activities including master classes, workshops and lectures will be held alongside the festival in Shanghai, Beijing, Wuhan, Guangzhou, and Nanjing. It promises to be a real feast for theatre fans!

(来源:英国使馆文化教育处,编辑 Helen)






