导读:年终将至,各种年度盘点榜单纷纷出炉。近日,“2010互联网年度人物榜单”揭晓。 “撞车门”中的李刚,以及因亚运会开幕式成名的“微笑姐”, 拜金女(material girl)马诺都被收录其中。
Over the past year, several people have shot to fame or notoriety thanks (or no thanks) to the Internet. They have gained recognition from Internet users for a variety of reasons, from work they have done and suffering they have endured to things they have said, from the outrageous to the downright arrogant. The following is a list of 5 Internet figures in 2010.
网友们创造出一句极具讽刺的网络名言:“我爸是李刚。” |
No.1 Li Gang and Li Qiming
The father and son quickly became famous both in China and overseas when the son, Li Qiming, yelled, "Sue me if you dare. My father is Li Gang," after running over two university students, one of whom later died, on October 16 in Hebei University.
The father Li Gang is a deputy director of a public security bureau in Baoding, Hebei Province.
The family of the dead student, Chen Xiaofeng, said they hoped the son would be sentenced to death. But the family later fired their lawyer, and accepted 460,000 yuan ($69,140) from Li Gang as compensation.
Internet users were outraged, and showed it by coining a new satirical phrase: "My father is Li Gang."
由于一番出格的言论而被网友戏称为“拜金女”的马诺。 |
No.2 Ma Nuo
This "material girl" was condemned as a gold-digger by many netizens after appearing on Jiangsu TV`s dating show "If You Are the One," thanks to now infamous remarks such as "I`d rather cry in a BMW than smile on a bicycle," which sparked heated discussions on the Internet about love and money.
Critics said Ma's comments showed a prevailing unhealthy attitude where people will sacrifice emotional feelings for materialistic gains.
网友戏称足坛毒瘤,人送外号“叉腰肌”的谢亚龙。 |
No.3 Xie Yalong
The former vice chairman of the China Football Association has been described by some as a tumor in a Chinese football system plagued by corruption.
He was arrested for receiving bribes and match fixing in September. Over the past years, match fixing, corrupt referees and illegal gambling have stunted the development of Chinese football.
No.4 Fang Zhouzi
Known as the "science cop," Fang came under the spotlight in recent years for helping expose academic misconduct. One of his cases resulted in his being attacked in August near his residence in Beijing.
He outed Tang Jun, former president of Microsoft China, for making false claims about his academic qualifications.
近日,“微笑姐”走红网络。 |
No.5 Wu Yi
The Miss Etiquette of the Guangzhou Asian Games won over Internet users with a 20-minute feat of continuous smiling while officials made speeches during the Games' opening ceremony. She earned herself the moniker "wei xiaojie," which means "smiling lady."
The 1.78-meter-tall Wu is a recent graduate of the Guangdong University of Foreign Studies.
"I didn't mean to keep smiling. The posture became natural after 40 days of professional training," Wu said.
Some Internet users were divided over Wu's smile, some saying it made them feel calm and warm, while others derided it as stiff.
(来源:21世纪英语 编辑:Julie)