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A file photo of a software engineer. Software engineers have the top jobs, said the survey by online jobs site CareerCast.com. |
The year 2011 is the best of times for software engineers and the worst of times for roustabouts, according to a survey of the nation's best and worst jobs released on Wednesday. Software engineers have the top jobs, thanks to the exploding demand for high-tech gadgets and the appetite for applications for iPods, tablets and other devices, said the survey by online jobs site CareerCast.com. Software engineers enjoy a strong outlook for employment, low stress, few physical demands and good wages, it said. Roustabouts, on the other hand, who are oil rig or gas pipeline workers, have the worst job, it said. A roustabout's job is dangerous, as shown by the explosion aboard the Transocean Ltd. oil drilling rig in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 workers in April. Roustabouts routinely work 12-hour shifts in tough conditions, it said. The top five jobs, which include mathematician, actuary, statistician and computer systems, typically pay more than twice as much as the lowest jobs -- $83,777 compared to $30,735 per year. The least desirable jobs along with roustabout for 2011 are iron worker, lumberjack, roofer and taxi driver, it said. CareerCast evaluated 200 professions based on pay, environment, hiring outlook, stress and physical demands, using data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Census Bureau and trade association studies. To determine the amount of stress in a job, for example, the study looked at such factors as whether an employee's life was at risk or the number of deadlines and travel. (Read by Nelly Min. Nelly Min is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
根据本周三发布的2011年度最佳和最差职业调查,软件工程师获评最佳职业,而石油钻台工人则排名垫底。 开展此项调查的招聘网站CareerCast.com表示,由于对高科技产品的需求呈爆炸式增长,以及人们对iPod、平板电脑、和其它科技产品应用软件的喜好,软件工程师被评为最佳职业。 调查称,软件工程师的就业前景一片大好,压力小,体力消耗低,还能赚得高薪。 但每天和石油钻台或天然气管道打交道的石油钻台工人则被评为最差职业。 石油钻台工人的工作很危险。去年4月,越洋有限公司位于墨西哥湾的钻井平台发生爆炸,导致11名工人死亡就是个例子。 调查称,石油钻台工人的工作通常要实行12小时轮班制,而且工作环境及其艰苦。 排在最佳职业前五位的还包括数学家、保险精算师、统计学家、和电脑系统分析师。这些职业的年薪可达83777美元,是排在末位的几类最差职业年薪(30735美元)的两倍多。 除了石油钻台工人外,2011年最差职业还有钢铁工、伐木工、屋顶建筑工、和出租车司机。 CareerCast网站对200种职业进行了评估,评估标准包括收入、工作环境、就业前景、压力、体力消耗等。调查数据来自美国劳工统计局、人口调查局、以及行业协会的研究。 例如,为确定某种职业所承受的压力,研究者会参考职员是否会遇到生命危险、完成工作是否经常有最后期限,以及旅行的次数等因素。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:冯明惠) |
Vocabulary: roustabout: (油井或马戏场等处的)杂工,非技术工 shift: a person's scheduled period of work, esp. the portion of the day scheduled as a day's work when a shop, service, office, or industry operates continuously during both the day and night: She prefers the morning shift.(轮班,倒班) |