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The app's enterprising customers are apparently already finding other uses. If the online posts appearing on a chat forum at MacRumors.com are for real, "Find My Friends" may have already claimed its first marriage. |
When Apple released its new iOS 5 operating system to go with its iPhone 4S, it touted a new app called "Find My Friends" as a great way to track and meet up with friends. If they agree, you can see their locations on a map on your screen. But the app's enterprising customers are apparently already finding other uses. If the online posts appearing on a chat forum at MacRumors.com are for real, "Find My Friends" may have already claimed its first marriage. Saturday night on MacRumors, a man saying he lived in New York City posted this: "Divorcing wife. Thanks iPhone 4s and Find My Friends. "I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up find my friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east village. I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy who live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there. "I just texted her asking where she was and she said she was on 10th Street!! Thank you Apple, thank you App Store, thank you all. These beautiful treasure trove of screenshots going to play well when I meet her ... at the lawyer's office in a few weeks. "thankfully, she's the rich one." "Find My Friends" uses the iPhone or iPad's built-in Global Positioning System to see your friends' locations on a map on the screen of your device. GPS can be accurate to within a few feet for civilian uses. Apple says "The Find My Friends app is a great way to share your location with people who are important to you" -- whether you're trying to meet friends at a crowded concert or make sure your kids get safely home from school. The new iPhone 4S and operating system have been off-the-charts successes for Apple, which said this morning that it sold more than four million iPhone 4S in three days, and that 25 million people are now using iOS 5. Ben Crompton, who writes the Pocket Lint blog, said there have certainly been other apps before, such as Google Latitude, that let you track people through GPS signals, but Apple will make it trendy. "The burning issue seems to be that it is a very powerful tool to have," he wrote, "bringing with it huge amounts of info to the user as well as delivering plenty of info about the user to others. For some this power will outdo the user's knowledge of how to use it properly." (Agencies)
苹果公司近日最新推出iPhone4S与操作系统iOS 5,并重磅推出新应用程序“找朋友”。安装上这款应用,你就可以便捷地和朋友“偶遇”了。如果对方同意,你还可以在手机屏幕上看到他们在地图上的详细位置。 但善于发现的用户们显然已经找到了另一个用途。如果MacRumors.com论坛上的帖子属实,“找朋友”应用程序就已经断送了第一桩婚姻。 上周六晚,有位自称住在纽约市的男士在MacRumors论坛上说: “和老婆离婚了,谢谢iPhone4S和‘找朋友’。” “我给老婆买了新版iPhone4S,瞒着她下载了‘找朋友’。她告诉我她在东边村镇的朋友家里。我早就怀疑她和居民区的一个男人约会。你瞧,‘找朋友’告诉我她就在他那里。” “我刚给她发短信,问她在哪里,她说她在第十大街!感谢苹果,感谢应用软件商店,感谢你们。几周后我见到她时,这些截屏会成为我的制胜法宝,当然是在律师办公室里。” “谢天谢地,她还比我有钱。” “找朋友”应用程序使用iPhone或者iPad内置的GPS定位系统来帮你在屏幕地图上确定朋友的位置。民用GPS定位可以精确到几英尺内。 苹果公司表示,使用“找朋友”,你可以与重要人士分享位置信息,不管你是在拥挤的音乐厅与朋友会面,还是要弄清楚你的孩子是否安全地从学校回到家里。 新的iPhone4S和操作系统大获成功。苹果公司今天上午表示,iPhone4S三天内已售出400万台,有2500万人正在使用iOS 5。 Pocket Lint网站的博主本•克朗普敦说,之前也有很多应用可以通过GPS锁定他人的位置,比如“谷歌纵横”,但苹果的产品会让这种应用流行起来。 他写道:“麻烦的是,这种应用工具太给力了。它给用户带来太多信息,也把用户的大量信息发给别人。有些用户并不知道如何正确使用这种功能,无法驾驭。” 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:冯明惠) |
Vocabulary: tout: to solicit customers, votes, or patronage, especially in a brazen way(极力赞扬, 极力宣扬) Lo and behold: 你瞧!(表示惊讶的感叹词) treasure trove: 贵重埋藏物,有价值的发现(或收藏)物 screenshot: 屏幕截图 off-the-charts: 好极了,太棒了 |