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All are on display at the Museum of Broken Relationships in the Croatian capital.(Agencies) |
What becomes of a garden gnome hurled in fury at a windscreen during a stormy breakup? Or a teddy bear that was once a Valentine's Day present? A wedding dress from a marriage gone awry? An ax that smashed through household furniture? All are on display at the Museum of Broken Relationships in the Croatian capital, each with written testimonies telling tales of passion, romance and heartbreak. On Valentine's Day, the museum sees its visits almost double. "The objects that are here represent all the stages of a breakup ... and how people go through love," said Drazen Grubisic, a designer and artist who co-founded the museum in 2010 in the Croatian capital. "We might say it's a love museum, just upside down," he said. The mementos — collected from all over the world — are random and varied, ranging from fake rubber breasts to a cast from a broken leg. Each item comes with dates and locations of the relationships, and notes by their anonymous donors. Some are funny. The note next to a garter belt says: "I never put them on. The relationship might have lasted longer if I had." Some are bitter. The garden gnome flew over a car driven by a husband who turned "arrogant and heartless." It bounced on the asphalt, shattering its face. "It was a long loop, drawing an arc of time ... that defined the end of love," the note from Slovenia said. An ax from Berlin was used by a woman to smash every piece of furniture her girlfriend had left behind. The museum, located just across from Zagreb's City Hall where couples get married, currently displays some 100 "relics" out of about 1,000 that have been collected from around the world. Parts of the collection have traveled as far as Manila, London and Singapore to be put on display. In each city, the heartbroken can donate their stuff to the Zagreb museum. The museum itself is the brainchild of a breakup. When Grubisic and co-founder Olinka Vistica, a filmmaker, split up, they got stuck when it came to dividing their sentimental memorabilia. They didn't want to just get rid of it, so they created a museum. (Read by Emily Cheng. Emily Cheng is a journalist at the China Daily Website.) (Agencies) |
如果在一场暴风骤雨般的分手中,一个花园小矮人玩偶被愤怒地扔到汽车挡风玻璃上,会变成什么样呢? 或者是曾经的情人节礼物泰迪熊?一场错误婚姻的婚纱?砍碎家具的斧子? 这些爱情遗物都陈列在克罗地亚首都的一座失恋博物馆里,每件展品都附有一段说明,讲述着激情、浪漫、心碎的故事。 在情人节到来之际,博物馆的参观人数将会翻番。 设计师兼艺术家德拉赞•格鲁比斯克在2010年与他人在克罗地亚首都一起成立了这家博取馆。他说:“这里的展品代表了分手的各种情形,以及人们是如何经历爱情。” 他说:“我们也可以说这是个爱情博物馆,只是没成功而已。” 这些纪念品来自世界各地,从橡胶假胸到假肢,纪念品五花八门多种多样。每个展品都附有恋爱时间和地点,以及匿名捐赠者的说明。 有些很有趣。一只吊袜束腰带旁边的说明写道:“我从没用过。如果我用过,我们的爱情可能还维持得久一些。” 有些则充满苦涩。把花园小矮人玩偶扔到车窗上的丈夫变得“傲慢无情”。玩偶摔在沥青路面上,惨遭“毁容”。 一件来自斯洛文尼亚的展品旁写道:“这个大圆圈画出了时间的弧度,也确定了爱情的终结。” 来自柏林的女士捐赠了一把斧子,她用它砸坏了前女友的所有家具。 这座博物馆位于萨格勒布市政厅的对面,而市政厅正是人们的结婚场所。目前展出的是来自全球的1000件爱情遗物中的大约100件。 部分展品来自菲律宾马尼拉、伦敦、新加坡等地,每个城市中心碎的人都可以捐赠展品给萨格勒布博物馆。 创建该博物馆的灵感也来自一场分手。当时格鲁比斯克和联合创办人、电影人奥林卡•维斯蒂卡分手,但两人在分爱情纪念品时遇到麻烦。他们不想扔掉这些纪念品,于是想到创建一个博物馆。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮) |
Vocabulary: awry: 歪曲的,错误的 brainchild: 独创的观念,点子、主意、发明 |