Yield to animal herder
6.In South Africa, shepherds have the right of way. Although most probably wouldn’t play chicken with an ostrich crossing anyway, the law explicitly says that “the driver of a vehicle on a public road shall stop such vehicle at the request or on the signal of a person leading or driving any bovine animal, horse, ass, mule, sheep, goat, pig or ostrich on such road.” Fines can get as high as $500.
6. 在南非,牧羊人有优先选择道路的权利。尽管有人带着鸡和鸵鸟过马路的情况不太可能出现,但法律明确规定,如果路上骑着或者赶着牛属动物(包括马,驴,骡子,绵羊,山羊,猪或者鸵鸟)的人发出信号或提出要求,驾驶者必须停下车辆。否则,罚款将高达500美元。