1. Butler cafes Get treated like a princess in the female-friendly version of Japan's popular cosplay-inspired maid cafes. Butler cafes (and one that boasts "foreign" butlers where the staff all speak English) allow women to be waited on hand and foot by their very own prince charming in a castle-themed restaurant. Guests can also choose to have their photograph taken being lifted up in the arms of the dashing and debonaire butlers for Y1,500. |
1. 男管家咖啡馆 灵感源于cosplay的“女仆咖啡馆”(maid cafes)又有了男仆版。专为女性顾客而开的“男管家咖啡馆”(butler cafes)(其中一家提供全英文服务的咖啡馆更以“老外”男管家为卖点)让女士们可以在这里过一把“公主瘾”,置身城堡主题餐厅,享受专属“王子管家”的贴心服务。额外支付1500日元(约合人民币80元),女士们还能享受“公主抱”,并与英俊潇洒的男管家的拍照留念,记下这一精彩瞬间。 |