3. Women only train carriages In 2005, the problem of persistent groping on public transport forced officials to open women-only carriages on Tokyo's underground and private trains. The carriages, marked with pink "Women Only" stickers printed in Japanese and English, were introduced after alternative measures - such as posting warning signs and plain-clothes female police officers - failed to reduce sexual. |
3. 女性专用车厢 为防范屡禁不止的“咸猪手”,2005年,日本当局在东京的火车或地铁列车上设立了“只限女性使用”的车厢,并贴有日英双语的粉色“女性专用车”(Women Only)字样。此前,当局曾尝试张贴警示标志和增派女性便衣警察等措施,都没能减少列车性骚扰,最后才不得不设立“女性专用车厢”。 |