读过刘墉的《心灵鸡汤》系列吗?有没有觉得他说的句句在理,然后推荐给身边跟自己境遇相似的同学看?可能我说的有点言过其实。不过,人在心情很低落的时候,如果恰好看到一段话说出了自己的心声,那种心情被释放的感觉还是挺强大的。这可能就是《心灵鸡汤》系列一直都有忠实读者的原因之一吧,因为它们是soul soother。
Comforting words and helpful suggestions are usually what a person needs most in times of difficulty, and they are widely known as soul soother.
In Chinese, we translate it into "chicken soup for the soul" because Chinese people have long believed that chicken soup is very nutritious and the best recipe for anyone in poor physical health.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)