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By Norman Gilliland
李波 译
On January second, 1877, Peter Tchaikovsky chided[2] his brother Modeste for not being a better correspondent. I don’t know if you still remember my existence. I happen to be your own brother. I hold the position of professor at the Moscow Conservatoire and have written several compositions: operas, symphonies, overtures and so on.[3] There was a time when you condescended[4] to take an interest in me. We even took a trip abroad together last year, which has left an unforgettable memory in my heart. You often used to write frequent[5] charming and interesting letters to me. But now it all seems to me nothing but a sweet dream. Oh, yes—you have forgotten me and don’t want to know me any more! But I am not like you. In spite of my antipathy[6] toward keeping up correspondence, in spite of being very tired (it is midnight now), here I am sitting writing to you to remind you of my feelings of great love for you. And so, dear brother, I wish you a Happy New Year, health, happiness, and success very soon in all your new ventures[7]... As for me, dear brother, the holidays passed idly[8] and not very happily. I wanted to work but was disturbed by friends. And now my relative Misha Assiere is on leave and staying with me. I must say, he is a very nice and sweet boy and I, dear brother, stay home with him every evening... Before the holidays I became friendly, dear brother, with the writer Count[9] Leo Tolstoy and have a very nice letter from him. And he listened, dear brother, to my first string quartet and during the Andante he shed real tears which, dear brother, makes me very proud.[10] And you, my dear brother, do not be so presumptuous[11] to forget that I, dear brother, am a “bird” of certain importance. And now, good-bye my dear brother. Your furious brother, Peter Tchaikovsky. |
1877年1月2日,彼得•柴可夫斯基写信责备他的弟弟莫迪斯特,因为这个弟弟不常给他通信。信件如下: 我有幸作你的哥哥,但我不知道你是否还记得我这个老哥。我在莫斯科音乐学院任教授,写了好几部作品:歌剧、交响乐、序曲等等。去年,你还曾屈尊对我有点兴趣,我们甚至还一起到国外旅行,这让我难以忘怀。 以往,你常常给我寄来一些美好而有趣的信件,但现在看来却如美梦一场。哦,是的——你已经把我忘掉了,再也不想了解我的近况了。但我和你不一样,尽管我一向不喜欢写信,尽管现在我已经疲倦不堪(现在已经是午夜了),我仍然坐在这里给你写这封信,让你知道我对你的深情厚谊。亲爱的老弟,我希望在新的一年里,你健康、快乐、心想事成…… 亲爱的兄弟,至于我的情况——假日里慵懒无聊,我想工作却又屡被朋友打扰。现在我的亲戚米沙•阿西儿和我在一块,他在休假。我得说,亲爱的兄弟,他是个非常逗人欢心的孩子,我们每天晚上都呆在家里。 亲爱的兄弟,在假期前,我和作家列夫•托尔斯泰伯爵成了好朋友,他还给我写了一封信。他曾经听我的第一个弦乐四重奏。兄弟,你猜怎么着?在听“行板乐曲”时,他居然老泪纵横。这真让我自豪。 而你呢,我亲爱的兄弟,不要那么粗率地忘了,哥哥现在已经是一个名人了。 好了,我亲爱的兄弟,再见了! 你懊恼的哥哥彼得•柴可夫斯基 (来源:英语学习杂志) |
Vocabulary: 1. Tchaikovsky: 柴可夫斯基(1840—1893),俄罗斯著名音乐家,主要作品:舞剧《天鹅湖》,《睡美人》,《胡桃夹子》,第四、五、六交响曲以及标题交响曲《奥涅金》、《黑桃皇后》等。 2. chide: 呵斥。 3. composition: 乐曲;overture: 序曲。 4. condescend: 屈尊。 5. frequent: 经常的。 6. antipathy: 厌恶。 7. venture: 事业。 8. idly: 闲散地。 9. count: 伯爵。 10. string quartet: 弦乐四重奏;Andante: 缓慢的行板乐曲。 11. presumptuous: 粗率的;bird: 〈俚〉人,家伙。这是柴可夫斯基在用一种调侃的方式称呼自己。 |
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