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1. 抗战胜利阅兵安排公布
2. 银行存贷比红线拟取消
3. 美国宣布同性婚姻合法
4. 玉林狗肉节争议中开幕
5. 上市公司高管逃离股市
6. 广电总局禁设嘉宾主持
7. 大学生返乡创业享优惠
8. 调查称探亲假名存实亡
9. 伊顿公学开设中国网课
10. 乔治王子随爹是左撇子
Victory Day parade
China announced plans for this year's celebration of the 70th anniversary of the victory in World War II, and invited troops of other countries to participate in a parade at Tian'anmen Square in Beijing on Sept 3. 我国日前宣布了今年二战胜利70周年纪念活动总体安排情况,并邀请外国军队参加9月3日在北京天安门广场举行的阅兵庆典。 "抗战胜利阅兵"即Victory Day parade。阅兵领导小组办公室(parade steering group office)副主任曲睿在新闻发布会上称,这是我国首次邀请外国军队(foreign troops)代表参加阅兵庆典。中共中央总书记(general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee)习近平将出席阅兵式并作重要讲话,并为抗战老兵(veterans)、抗战将领(generals)或其遗属(dependants of the deceased)代表颁发纪念章。
drill parade 阅兵训练
ceremonial parades 阅兵式
Victory Day/V-Day 胜利日
uphold the post-war world order 维护战后秩序
safeguard world peace 保卫世界和平
loan-to-deposit ratio
China will scrap commercial banks' loan-to-deposit ratio. It will propose amending the nation's banking law to make the limit a ratio used for reference rather than a regulatory statute. 中国将取消商业银行的贷存比,提出修正银行法案,将贷存比由法定监管指标转为参考指标。
"贷存比"可以用loan-to-deposit ratio表示,即银行资产负债表(balance sheet)中的贷款余额占存款余额的比例。24日,国务院宣布将取消商业银行(commercial banks)贷存比不得超过75%的规定。此举将推动现有金融体系(financial system)释放出更多的信贷资金(increase the supply of cash),有利于金融机构(financial institutions)向农业、小微企业(small and micro-businesses)提供贷款支持。
industrial loan 工业贷款
agricultural loan 农业贷款
outstanding loans 未偿贷款
interest-free loans 无息贷款
fiduciary loan 信用贷款
special-purpose loan 专项贷款
dog meat festival
A weeklong dog meat festival in Yulin, Guangxi, that could mean the death of up to 10,000 dogs started Monday despite criticism from many Internet users. 22日,为期一周的玉林狗肉节在广西开幕。由于有1万条狗可能在狗肉节上遭到屠杀,该活动在网上引发众多批评。
许多人在网上发起取消狗肉节的请愿(sign online petitions seeking a ban on the festival)。还有人则采取了更为直接的方式(take a more direct approach),他们前往玉林,在附近买狗,并给狗狗建立了救助中心。但在许多玉林当地人看来,狗肉节只是他们的传统之一。也有评论者称,在没有立法(legislation)的前提下,禁食狗肉只能是一种倡导(proposal)和呼吁(appeal),不宜采取过激的方式来进行。
activist 积极分子
eatery 餐馆
delicacy 珍馐
household pets 家养宠物
slaughter 杀戮
legalization of gay marriage
The US Supreme Court ruled Friday that same-sex marriage is a legal right across the US. It means the 14 states with bans on same-sex marriage will no longer be able to enforce them. 美国最高法院26日做出裁决,裁定同性婚姻在全美都是一项合法权益。这一裁决意味着,美国禁止同性婚姻的14个州将无法再强制制止同性婚姻。
"同性婚姻合法化"即legalization of gay/same-sex marriage。美国最高院此次的裁决虽然解决了一个非常重大的问题(a momentous question),但也留下了许多仍待解决的疑问,未来还可能引发很多关于同性权利(gay rights)的法律战(legal battles)。同性结婚的权利只是同性民事权利(gay civil rights)框架下的一小部分。例如,美国现阶段尚无禁止歧视他人性取向(sexual orientation)的宪法原则(constitutional principle)或全国性法律。
homosexual 同性恋
bisexual 双性恋
transsexual 变性人
come out 出柜
share dumping
Senior executives and large shareholders of listed companies have been dumping shares in their own firms which could have exacerbated the current selling pressure on the market, prompting fears of possible malpractices or insider trading. 上市公司高管和大股东一直在减持自己公司股票,此举可能加速目前市场的抛售压力,引发人们对可能存在违规操作或内幕交易的担忧。
从今年年初至6月17日,1234家上市公司(listed companies)的高管和大股东累计减持的股票市值高达4772亿元(reduce holdings worth RMB477.2b)。有分析人士警告称,抛售可能会打击市场信心(hit market confidence),甚至引发散户(retail investors)跟风抛售,导致"踩踏"(stampede)。
fund inflow 资金流入
capital inflow 资金流入
returns 收益,回报
surge (股票)大涨
buoy 提振
rally 回升
edge up 微升
slump 暴跌
slip 下跌
dip 微降
guest presenter
Guests of TV programs will no longer be allowed to be employed as presenters, according to a circular issued by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television. 国家新闻出版广电总局日前下发通知,电视节目的嘉宾不得行使主持人功能。
嘉宾主持(guest presenter/host)即电视、综艺节目的非长驻主持人。通知要求,严格执行主持人上岗管理规定。新闻、评论和访谈类节目(news, commentary and interview panels)不得设置或变相设置辅助性主持(supporting host)岗位;广播电视节目(broadcasting and TV programs)要明确主持人和嘉宾的分工,主持人应承担引导观众(guide the audience)和串联等功能,不得设置"嘉宾主持",嘉宾不能行使主持人职能。通知还要求加强主持人和嘉宾教育培训,主持人需有相应职业资质(vocational qualifications),严格落实持证上岗制度。
TV program host 电视节目主持人
master of ceremonies (MC) 晚会/仪式主持人
anchor/anchorperson 新闻节目主持人
Disc Jockey(DJ) 电台音乐节目主持人
Video Jockey(VJ) 电视音乐节目主持人
entrepreneur support policy
The Chinese government has promised to support for migrant workers, college graduates and army veterans who wish to return to their rural hometowns to start businesses amid a national campaign to boost entrepreneurship and employment. 在全国鼓励创业、促进就业的大背景下,我国政府承诺支持农民工、大学毕业生和退伍军人返乡创业。
国务院(the State Council)近日印发《关于支持农民工等人员返乡创业的意见》,表示政府将降低门槛(lower the threshold)、减免税收(offer tax breaks)、降低行政费用(cut administration fees)、对商业贷款进行补贴(subsidize business loans),对支持政策进行优化(optimize supporting policies)。2015年,我国城镇新成长劳动力大约有1500万人左右。其中高校毕业生(college graduates)749万,另外还有中专(vocational schools)、技校(technical schools)和初中高中毕业生。
popular/mass entrepreneurship 大众创业
taxation reduction and exemption policies 税收减免政策
tax advantages 税收优惠
sole-proprietorship enterprise 个人独资企业
individual businesses 个体工商户
family reunion leave
Since 1981, a regulation of the State Council has granted domestic workers paid leave to visit their families once a year if they live far from parents or spouse. However, some enterprises simply ignore the right of workers to paid leave, the family reunion leave included. 自1981年起,国务院规定,如果职工父母或配偶居住较远,职工每年可以享受一次带薪探亲假。然而,部分企业直接无视职工带薪休假的权益,其中包括探亲假。
探亲假(family reunion leave)的休假事由是:与配偶或父母不住在一起,又不能在公休假日(public holidays)团聚。在现实生活中,休探亲假没那么容易。一份报告显示,很多人"听都没听过"(have never heard of)探亲假。部分雇主认为,探亲假太长,工作可能做不完(might hurt productivity)。很多员工因为担心丢饭碗(fear losing their jobs)而不敢请假(dare not ask for the leave)探亲。专家呼吁加强监管(call for better supervision)以保障职工合法权益(protect workers' legal rights)。
family reunion 全家团圆
family reunion dinner 团圆饭
paid leave 带薪休假
sick leave 病假
maternity leave 产假
parental leave 育婴假
online lessons
Beginning this autumn, Eton College, a leading UK independent school, is going to provide classes in leadership to Chinese students using live online instruction. 今秋起,英国顶尖私立学校伊顿公学将通过网络直播授课的方式,为中国学生提供领导力课程。
中国学生将通过该项目学习伊顿公学提供的各种互动课程(a mixture of interactive content),英国老师将对学生进行一对一的网络授课(one-to-one online teaching)。该课程瞄准中国的中产家庭(middle-class families)。伊顿公学是一所著名的男生私立寄宿学校(single-sex boys' independent boarding school),学生年龄在13-18周岁。该校被称为"英格兰政界精英摇篮"(the chief nurse of England's statesmen),是英国著名的贵族中学。
school age 学龄
a child of school age 学龄儿童
schoolboy (中小学的)男生
a schoolboy prank 男生的恶作剧
school-days 学生时代
schoolfellow 同学,校友
schoolhouse 校舍(尤指乡村的小校舍)
school-leaver 中学毕业生
Prince George has made three public appearances in the past two months and seemed to favor his left hand. Prince William is known to be proud of the fact that he is left-handed and now it seems Prince George might be a lefty too. 乔治小王子在过去两个月里3度公开露面,举手投足间似乎更偏爱用左手。众所周知,威廉王子对自己惯用左手颇感自豪,而现在乔治小王子似乎也可能是个左撇子。
Left-handed(左撇子的)是形容词,left-handedness是其名词形式。我们一般说"某人是左撇子"会用He/She is left-handed来表示。美式英语中还有一个俚语lefty,可以指"左撇子的人"。
在近日一场马球赛(polo match)期间,小乔治用左手拿起球棍(mallet)并成功击球。另外,在抓取(clutch at)玩具和挥手致意(wave)时,他用左手的频率也比右手高。王室(the Royal Family)确实有左撇子的先例(precedence for left-handedness)。英国维多利亚女王(Queen Victoria)、乔治六世国王(King George VI)和女王伊丽莎白二世的母亲伊丽莎白王太后(the Queen Mother)都是左撇子。
left-hand 左边的
left-handed 左撇子的
left bank (河的)左岸
left wing 左翼,左派
left-wing ideas 左翼思想
left-winger 左翼分子
leftist 社会主义的
(来源:中国日报双语手机报 编辑:Zoe)
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