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Albert Einstein: he really was an egghead
Albert Einstein is perhaps the world's greatest scientist. The Nobel Prize winner, who solved the riddle of the photoelectric effect and proposed the general theory of relativity, died on April 18, 1955, aged 76 after laying the foundation of modern physics and changing mankind's views on space, time, mass, and energy. But did you know he was obsessed by fried eggs? That's one of 10 quirky things about the man behind the famous equation E = mc 2 that we learn from the book Einstein at Home, which will be published in English in May 2016 for the first time. The book contains five interviews conducted by scientist Friedrich Herneck with Herta Waldow, née Schiefelbein, who was the live-in housekeeper of Einstein in the Charlottenburg-Wilmersdorf district of Berlin for six years.
阿尔伯特•爱因斯坦可能是世界上最伟大的科学家。他是诺贝尔奖得主,破解了光电效应的谜题,提出了广义相对论,奠定了现代物理学的基础,改变了人类对空间、时间、质量和能量的认识。他于1955年4月18日逝世,享年76岁。但是,你知道他对煎蛋非常痴迷吗?我们也是从《爱因斯坦的家庭生活》这本书知道的。这个提出著名等式E = mc 2的科学家有10个癖好,都收录在这本书中。此书的英文版将于2016年5月第一次出版。书中还收录了科学家弗里德里希•赫尔内克对赫塔•沃尔多(娘家姓席费尔拜因)女士的五次采访,沃尔多女士曾经在爱因斯坦位于柏林夏洛滕堡-威尔默斯多夫区的家中当了六年的住家管家。
The mad hair came on the cheap
Einstein's second wife was his cousin Elsa Loewenthal. Elsa could not persuade Einstein to pay for a barber so she would cut his hair herself. Waldow recalled: "When his hair was too long, when it was beyond the pale, Elsa would cut off his hair with scissors and he was willing to put up with it. As well as his disheveled hair, Elsa also trimmed the great scientist's moustache.
He made his shoes last
Penny-pinching seems to have been a thing in the Einstein household - a seven-room apartment. Waldow, who was the housekeeper from 1927-1933, said that he was always short of cash and his wife was very penny pinching. He wore shoes with holes in them, even if they were no longer watertight. "He would wear them until it was no longer possible." She said his favourite footwear was sandals. No wonder he kept a sign up in his office in later life in Princeton that said: "Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts."
He really was an egghead (especially fried eggs )
Waldow had to deliver fried eggs and scrambled eggs almost every day for his breakfast. There were eggs for breakfast, usually fried. There was also a lot of honey, which we bought by the pail, brought by a beekeeper. "Herr Professor always ate fried eggs, at least two." They bought their fresh eggs from an elderly Jewish man. "Dear me, he was so grubby!" Waldow said. Einstein also enjoyed mushrooms with his eggs. "He would probably have eaten mushrooms three times a day, that's how fond he was of them."
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