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10. The ancient Egyptians forged one of the earliest peace treaties on record.
For over two centuries the Egyptians fought against the Hittite Empire for control of lands in modern day Syria. The conflict gave rise to bloody engagements like 1274 B.C.’s Battle of Kadesh, but by time of the pharaoh Ramses II neither side had emerged as a clear victor.
古埃及与赫梯帝国(Hittie)进行了长达两个世纪的土地争夺战争,争夺的焦点便是如今叙利亚所在的那片土地。国家冲突难免发生腥风血雨的战役,例如公元前1274年的卡叠什战役(Kadesh)。但直至法老拉美西斯二世(Ramses II)执政,两国都还没有分出一个胜负。
With both the Egyptians and Hittites facing threats from other peoples, in 1259 B.C. Ramses II and the Hittite King Hattusili III negotiated a famous peace treaty. This agreement ended the conflict and decreed that the two kingdoms would aid each other in the event of an invasion by a third party.
而且当时,两国都同时腹背受敌。于是,公元前1259年,拉美西斯二世和赫梯国国王哈图西里三世(Hattusili III)签订了著名的和平协定。协定结束了两国长期以来的纷争,并且颁布了法令,规定两国两国任何一方面临外敌入侵,另一方都要予以援助。
The Egyptian-Hittite treaty is now recognized as one of the earliest surviving peace accords, and a copy can even be seen above the entrance to the United Nations Security Council Chamber in New York.
(来源:中国日报双语新闻微信 编辑:齐磊 左卓 丹妮)
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