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Wei Zexi incident/case
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The parents of Wei Zexi, a computer science major at Xidian University in Shaanxi province who died of a rare form of cancer, wait outside a funeral home in Xianyang, Shaanxi, on April 13. WAN JIA / FOR CHINA DAILY |
The National Health and Family Planning Commission is banning all hospitals in the country from outsourcing any clinic to third-party service providers following the Wei Zexi incident.
五一小长假期间,21岁大学生魏则西不幸去世事件成了最受关注的话题,在各大社交媒体刷屏。魏则西是西安电子科技大学计算机学院学生,于2014年体检后得知自己罹患滑膜肉瘤(synovial sarcoma)晚期。在求医(seek treatment)过程中,魏则西通过百度搜索滑膜肉瘤时,获知了免疫疗法(immunotherapy)和排在搜索结果(search results)前列的武警北京总队第二医院(the Second Hospital of Beijing Armed Police Corps)。在该院接受4次治疗、花费20余万元后,魏则西于今年4月12日去世。去世前,魏则西在问答网站知乎上发贴讲述了自己的经历,指责百度提供误导性的医疗信息(misleading medical treatment information)。
魏则西之死引燃公众怒火(provoke public outrage),将百度搜索的竞价排名机制(paid listing practice)和公立医院对外承包科室等乱象再次推上风口浪尖(bring...to the forefront)。随着事件持续发酵(as the incident keeps simmering),国家卫计委已会同多部门成立联合调查组(joint investigation team)进驻百度公司和武警北京总队第二医院展开调查;武警北京二院4日宣布,暂时全面停诊(suspend all its services)进行调查;卫计委4日召开视频会议,明确叫停细胞免疫治疗临床应用(the clinical use of cellular immunotherapy/the clinical application of cellular immunity treatment),禁止医院将科室承包给私营实体(ban hospitals from subcontracting of departments to private entities);同时国家相关部门也已开始对网络上存在的网络医托和号贩子(online cappers who cheat patients into seeking treatment in designated hospitals and hospital appointment scalpers)等情况进行集中整治。
此前有媒体报道和部分患者称,武警北京二院在宣传材料(promotional material)中号称其使用的癌症治疗(cancer treatment)技术系由斯坦福大学医学院引入(come from Stanford University School of Medicine),但斯坦福大学校方近日否认了与该院在细胞免疫治疗方面有任何合作。
受魏则西事件影响,多位正在或曾在该医院接受癌症免疫疗法(immunotherapy cancer treatment)的患者家属向院方讨要说法并要求退还医疗费用(demand an explanation and refunds)。院方工作人员承诺,6日会向家属作出解释并给予答复(give the families an explanation and a response)。
恶性肿瘤 malignant tumor
良性肿瘤 benign tumor
癌症晚期 terminal cancer
化疗 chemotherapy
放射治疗 radiation therapy/radiotherapy
物理治疗 physiotherapy/physical therapy
激素治疗 hormonal therapy
免疫系统 immune system
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