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Hong Kong can further use its own comparative strength and seize the opportunities offered by mainland development. The central government will give full support to any proposal from the SAR government that helps maintain Hong Kong's long-term stability and prosperity and contributes to people's well-being in Hong Kong.
The campaign of mass entrepreneurship and innovation is to put in place a platform for the development of various types of companies and research institutions, and to create a broad space for crowdfunding, crowd innovation and crowdsourcing.
When we bring into full play the enthusiasm and creativity of all our people, it will generate a powerful momentum. With that momentum and our firm determination, we will be able to withstand the downward economic pressure and achieve faster economic transformation. Ultimately, a country's prosperity and development would not be possible without the full involvement of all its people and that will also be a process for us to boost the all-round human development.
China-Russia relations will not be affected by changing circumstances in the international environment, and will not cave to third-party pressure. In the meantime, China follows the principle of nonalignment, and China-Russian cooperation will not be targeted at any third party.
The Chinese government is fully determined to achieve national portability of medical insurance schemes at a faster pace. This year we will basically achieve direct settlement of such expenses at the provincial level. And we also plan to use two years of time to achieve the direct settlement of hospitalized expenses by retired elderly people in places away from their hometowns, so as to remove this high concern in the minds of our people.
上一篇 : 曹建明:反腐败斗争盯上扶贫领域
下一篇 : 谭志娟:设立非转基因大豆保护区
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