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A clerk counts 100 yuan banknotes at a branch of China Construction Bank in Nantong, East China's Jiangsu province, Sep 21, 2016. [Photo/VCG] |
China is considering introducing a "countercyclical factor" to adjust the way it calculates the yuan's daily reference rate against the dollar, according to a statement by the country's foreign exchange trading system on Friday.
当前我国外汇市场(foreign exchange market)可能仍存在一定的顺周期性,容易受到非理性预期的惯性驱使(prone to the habitual influences of irrational expectations),放大单边市场预期(one-way market expectations can sometimes be exaggerated),进而导致市场供求出现一定程度的“失真”,增大市场汇率超调的风险。
汇率根本上应由经济基本面( economic fundamentals)决定,但在美元指数出现较大幅度回落、我国主要经济指标总体向好(China's economic fundamentals have improved in general)的情况下,人民币对美元市场汇率多数时间都在按照“收盘价+一篮子货币汇率变化”机制确定的中间价的贬值方向运行。
人民币对美元汇率中间价报价模型中引入逆周期因子(countercyclical factor),有助于适度对冲市场情绪的顺周期波动(procyclical fluctuation),合理引导市场预期,遏制市场非理性炒作行为,缓解外汇市场可能存在的“羊群效应”(lessen possible "herd effects"),从而避免人民币汇率剧烈波动(prevent excessive fluctuation of the yuan)。
“羊群效应”(head effect)也称“从众心理”,在资本市场上,“羊群效应”是指在一个投资群体中,单个投资者总是根据其他同类投资者的行动而行动,在他人买入时买入,在他人卖出时卖出。
招商证券首席宏观分析师谢亚轩表示,加入逆周期调节因子,一定程度上会削弱上日收盘价对中间价的影响(diminish the impact of the previous day's closing price on the central parity rate),并减少外部市场过度波动带来的冲击,保持人民币汇率总体基本稳定。
外汇市场自律机制秘书处表示,逆周期因子根据宏观经济等基本面变化动态调整,有利于引导市场在汇率形成中更多关注宏观经济等基本面情况(guide the market to focus more on macroeconomic fundamentals),使中间价报价更加充分地反映我国经济运行等基本面因素,更真实地体现外汇供求(better reflect the market supply and demand)和一篮子货币汇率变化(exchange rate changes of the currencies in the basket)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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