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习近平访美外媒报道摘录 What did the foreign media say about President Xi's visit to the US

中国日报网 2015-09-29 16:15




CNN:Talking about his three-year crackdown on corruption in a speech during his visit to the United States Tuesday, Xi insisted it was aimed squarely at stamping out graft and not purging political rivals.

VOA: The Chinese leader also addressed a wide range of other issues that have upset US-China ties, including cyber hacking, which President Barack Obama has said will figure prominently in their one-on-one talks.

The Seatle Times: Chinese President Xi Jinping told a group of US and Chinese technology executives Wednesday that the country would give priority to a secure Internet, and defended the rights of countries to impose their own regulations on domestic Internet development.

USA Today: China's president Xi Jinping told a packed room of dignitaries and business leaders that his nation wants to build a level playing field for all companies doing business there and will work with the US to fight cybercrime.

AP: Chinese President Xi Jinping said Tuesday that China and the United States could work together to address cyber crimes, a problem that has sparked mutual tension.

Guardian: The president defended his government's intervention into the country's stock market saying the “recent abnormal ups and downs” in the market had now reached “a phase of self-recovery”.

Reuters: China's fight against entrenched corruption is not a "House of Cards"-style power struggle, President Xi Jinping said on Tuesday as he began his first state visit to the United States, vowing to press on with his campaign.

BBC: Chinese President Xi Jinping has promised to strengthen protections on intellectual property and clear obstacles to investment in China, at a meeting with US technology leaders.

BBC: US President Barack Obama and Chinese President Xi Jinping have said they will take new steps to address cybercrime.

The Telegraph: President Xi Jinping has said China will not engage in commercial cybercrime, and has vowed to help end what amounts to billions of dollars' worth of intellectual property theft against the United States.



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