中国日报网 2017-02-10 13:01


China will start to collect fingerprints and capture facial images of foreign passport holders entering China at selected ports beginning on Friday to tighten border security.
Border control authorities nationwide will fingerprint all foreign passport holders ages 14 to 70 by the end of the year.
留存出境入境人员的生物识别信息(collecting and storing biometric data of foreign passport holders entering or exiting the country)是加强出入境管理的重要举措,目前国际上已有多个国家实施这一措施。
(一)持外交护照或持中国外交、礼遇签证的人员,但有对等安排的国家人员除外(people holding diplomatic passports or Chinese diplomatic visa or courtesy visa);
(二)根据双边协议或互惠安排,互相给予免留指纹安排的人员(beneficiaries of reciprocal agreements);
(三)按照公安部有关规定,给予集中办理入境手续便利的外国副部级(含)以上官员及其所率领的代表团成员(foreign officials at vice-ministerial level and above and delegation members led by them who go through entry procedure as a group);
(四)十指指纹均残缺或十枚指纹均无法留存的人员(people with incomplete fingerprints on all 10 fingers);
(五)特殊情况下,经公安部同意免予留存指纹的人员(other exceptional circumstances)。
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)