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上海合作组织官网 2018-06-07 15:17





Economic cooperation is an important element of stability in the SCO region and one of the tools to achieve long-term sustainability of the Organization. The work in this area aims to facilitate economic development of the member states, as well as improving the living standards of the citizens.


SCO will contribute to the harmonious development of all the member states for the sake of the balanced economic growth in the region.


The member states shall take concerted measures aimed at further expanding mutually beneficial trade and economic cooperation in the SCO region, including through the promotion of a favorable investment and business climate, support to business initiatives, and implementation of projects in the priority areas of cooperation and of infrastructure development.


The member states will take steps to establish cooperation in the development of the production capacity on the basis of mutual benefit.


The member states will provide mutual assistance to support their integration into the global economy and minimize the negative impacts of globalization and international economic crisis on the national economies.


The member states will take practical measures aimed at implementing specific economic and investment projects within the SCO, including respective specialists’ training. If necessary, the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Program of Multilateral Trade and Economic Cooperation will be updated and a List of Measures for further development of project activities within the SCO will be prepared for subsequent periods.


In order to implement a high level common understanding achieved and provide financial support to project activities, the member states will continue efforts aimed at establishing the SCO Development Fund and SCO Development Bank (Special Account).


The member states will support an active involvement of the SCO Business Council and SCO Interbank Association in the selection and implementation of trade and economic co-operation projects in the SCO region, particularly in the innovative sectors of the economy.


The member states will encourage the participation in project activities of the concerned government agencies and business community of the SCO observer states and dialogue partners.


The member states will continue to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation in the banking and financial sector, share best practices and information, make efforts in order to create favorable conditions for the development of the financial services market and investments, and improve the payment, settlement and other financial and economic mechanisms within SCO.


The member states will take measures to take stock of and improve the efficiency of existing economic and trade cooperation mechanisms in order to strengthen their effectiveness and coordination mechanisms, inter alia, subject to international best practices.


The member states will promote the development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the innovation sector, including small and medium businesses, and implementation of cross-border and inter-regional projects and establishment of joint ventures.


To share best practices and develop cooperation between entrepreneurs, the practice will be continued of having regular joint forums, exhibitions and seminars of businessmen representing SCO member states that aim to facilitate the collaboration of small and medium-sized businesses with the research institutions of the SCO member states and introduction of innovative technologies.


The member states will take measures to ensure an early entry into force and implementation of the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on favorable conditions for international road transport of 2014.


Measures will be taken aimed at realizing the SCO transit potential and the establishment of regional transport and transit corridors. An important area of co-operation will be collaboration in the field of infrastructure and logistics upgrade, including through an expanded network of international logistics centers and creation of a network of industrial clusters along the transport arteries in the SCO region.


The SCO member states will develop mutually beneficial multifaceted cooperation in the energy sector, including renewable and alternative energy.


As regards the ICT development in the region, the member states will be guided by the generally accepted Telecommunication Standards approved by the International Telecommunication Union, as well as the principles of interoperability and flexibility of telecommunications services.


As a follow-up to the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on scientific and technical cooperation of 2013, the member states will assign priority to the development of innovation cooperation programs and projects, improvement of the legal framework, inter alia, to the preparation and implementation of a SCO scientific and technological partnership plan. They intend to develop a dialogue in the field of scientific and technological innovation and arrange an exchange of scientific and technological achievements.


The member states will develop cooperation in the field of advanced environmental protection technologies, renewable and clean energy, and energy efficiency in order to support sustainable development.


Agriculture is one of the priority areas for the member states’ cooperation. Particular attention will be paid to a joint high-tech projects of the production and processing of agricultural products, introduction of innovative technologies in agriculture, including the food sector. To share best practices and technologies in the agricultural sector, joint forums, exhibitions, educational and practical courses and seminars as well as scientific research will be arranged.


The customs remain an important area of cooperation. It includes protection of intellectual property rights; exchange of information on goods and transport means moved across customs borders, cooperation in the development and application of risk management systems; combating customs offenses; training of customs services staff through programs of vocational training, retraining and advanced training.




The member states will strive to create favorable conditions for the development of relations in the field of science and technology, education, culture, health and tourism, and enhanced contacts between public organizations and citizens.


Both bilaterally and multilaterally, the member states will consistently expand the links between educational, scientific and research institutions and implement joint research programs and projects of mutual interest.


Particular attention will be paid to the implementation of the provisions of the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on cooperation in culture of 2007.


The member states will cooperate in areas such as study and preservation of cultural and natural heritage sites in the SCO region, including those along the historic Silk Road, prevention of theft and illegal import and export of cultural property; creation of databases and registries of monuments; training of specialists in the field of civilizational and cultural heritage; restoration of works of art; scientific, technical and artistic expertise; museum design; study of intangible spiritual heritage; study of folklore, contemporary art and media culture, cinema, theater arts; research in the field of economics and sociology of art and cultural policy.


As multi-ethnic and multi-religious societies, the member states seek to ensure domestic inter-ethnic and inter-religious peace, strengthen the centuries-old traditions of harmonious coexistence of different nationalities and religions, and advance a dialogue between civilizations with the engagement of the SCO observer states and dialogue partners.


There will be an ever increasing relevance of SCO cooperation in health, including prevention of communicable diseases, epidemic monitoring, creation of favorable environment for the prevention of chronic non-infectious diseases, maternal and child health, and others. The member states shall cooperate in the field of safety and quality of drugs and medical devices. Experts and scientists of the member states will exchange experiences in the field of research and development of medical technology, achievements transfer, and advanced clinical therapies.


Proper upgrading of cooperation in public health will contribute to ensuring bio-security in the SCO region.


The main task in the field of tourism is to contribute to further growth of mutual tourist flows and improved quality of related services. To this end, the member states will exchange experience in the implementation of state policy in this area, expand contacts between the relevant organizations and professional associations, arrange tourist fairs, create new tourist routes, and carry out regular exchanges of information on touristic market and national tourism resources.


The member states will develop cooperation in the framework of the meeting of heads of national tourism administrations and elaborate a relevant document on cooperation in this field.


The member states will assign major importance to the cooperation in environmental protection, ecological safety, prevention of the negative effects of climate change and they will continue their work in respect of a draft concept of SCO member states’ cooperation in environmental protection and supporting action plan. They will hold meetings of heads of ministries and agencies of the SCO member states in charge of environment protection and create an conditions for the exchange of information, experience and achievements.


The SCO member states will contribute to the development of cultural and humanitarian contacts between non-governmental organizations, non-profit entities and citizens of the member states. This could be facilitated, inter alia, by the establishment of committees of good neighborliness, friendship and cooperation or other mechanisms of similar functionality.


An important role will continue to be played by the SCO Forum which is a multilateral public consultation and expert mechanism established to provide scientific and other support to the SCO activities and develop cooperation between research and political science centers of the SCO member states, observer states and dialogue partners. The member states consider necessary to enhance practical results of these activities.


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