上海合作组织官网 2018-06-07 15:17

The member states will enhance a political dialogue at all levels and continue the practice of holding regular meetings of the Council of Heads of State, the Council of Heads of Government (Prime Ministers), the Council of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, and the meetings of Secretaries of Security Councils.
The SCO will be contributing to building a democratic just and rational world based on collective principles, rule of international law, as well as on mutual respect, non-interference in internal affairs, trust and benefit, equality and partnership between states with the central coordinating role of the UN.
The SCO intends to intensify its constructive engagement in creating an effective global and regional security architecture that takes into account the legitimate interests of all states, and they seek to strengthen cooperation in the peaceful settlement and prevention of international conflicts.
The member states will continue their joint efforts aimed at promoting international stability and security, peacekeeping and confidence-building in the region. Based on the respect for international law and with due account of the national interests of each other, the member states will render mutual support in international affairs, including through the exchange of information and development of joint approaches.
In the United Nations and in other international organizations and multilateral forums where they are participants, the member states intend to consistently defend their common positions on a wide range of issues of mutual interest and in a timely manner respond to the world developments that have a direct impact on the stability and security in the SCO region.
The SCO does not accept ideological and confrontational approaches to the solution of pressing international and regional issues. Its activities will continue to serve as an example of how non-block multilateral associations can effectively ensure international security in a changing world. SCO is open for cooperation with all countries and international organizations in order to strengthen international and regional security, promote sustainable socio-economic development and expand cultural and humanitarian relations.
The member states consistently advocate the settlement of international and regional issues and conflicts solely by political and diplomatic means.
The member states will cooperate in the areas of disarmament and arms control, non-proliferation and peaceful use of nuclear energy, political and diplomatic settlement of the regional challenges to the non-proliferation regime, and assist the relevant efforts of the international community. Efforts will be directed at strengthening the regimes of non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and arms control, including strict adherence to and strengthening of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (1968), facilitation of an entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (1996), as well as of the increased number of states that have acceded to the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction (1993) and the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (1972).
The member states favor an early entry into force for each party of the Protocol on security assurances to the Treaty on the Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, and execution of a multilateral international treaty on security guarantees for non-nuclear-weapon states, and they support an appeal to all nuclear powers to forgo the deployment of their nuclear weapons in the territory of other countries.
The member states will advocate the use of outer space for peaceful purposes and prevention of the deployment of weapons in outer space, and they will promote a draft of the corresponding legally binding treaty and facilitate the elaboration and voluntary implementation of the transparency and confidence-building measures in outer space activities.
The member states will hold consultations on the issues of the international economic relations agenda, and make efforts in support of a more equitable international financial regime reflecting a genuine balance of interests of all its participants and offering all States an equal access to the benefits of globalization.
The member states will cooperate in the human rights issues through taking joint steps aimed at transcending the atmosphere of politicization and confrontation in the human rights debate in international forums and compliance with the principle of equal cooperation, respect for the cultural and civilizational diversity of the contemporary world, and they will contribute to assigning by the international community an equal value of all kinds of human rights, including the right to development.
Guided by the principle of the respect for national sovereignty, the member states will develop cooperation in the field of law and justice and mutual legal assistance in accordance with national legislation and international treaties of the SCO member states.
The member states are resolved to realize the idea of a common, integrated, sustainable security based on equal cooperation in order to build an indivisible security space, arrange the cooperation and coordination of the efforts by international and regional organizations and forums in addressing modern challenges and threats.
The member states will continue to enhance cooperation in order to timely and adequate response to emerging threats and challenges to the security in the region.
The SCO priorities in ensuring regional security and stability will continue to include combating terrorism, separatism, extremism, trafficking in drugs, weapons, ammunition and explosives, nuclear and radioactive materials, as well as other components of WMD, transnational organized crime, ensuring international information security, strengthening border security, joint struggle against illegal migration and human trafficking, money laundering, economic crimes and corruption. The member states will regularly exchange information on these issues and undertake a joint analysis of the situation in the region, as well as carry out educational, research and practical measures on a bilateral and multilateral basis with the involvement of the competent authorities. Particular attention will be paid to improving the mechanism of rapid response to emerging challenges and threats, including the efficient use of the potential of the Regulation on political and diplomatic measures and mechanisms of SCO response to situations threatening peace, security and stability in the region.
The member states will extend their full support to the international anti-terrorism cooperation within the UN, particularly in the implementation of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy.
Engaging the SCO observer states and dialogue partners in a joint work and enhancing contacts with interested countries and international organizations will become an important resource for strengthening cooperation in the field of security.
In the framework of the existing legal and regulatory documents, targeted programs will be regularly adopted aimed at cooperation in the combating terrorism, separatism and extremism that contain a set of measures aimed at their prevention, detection and suppression, cooperation in searching, arresting, extraditing and transferring persons suspected of, charged with or convicted of crimes related to the “three evil forces”" - terrorism, separatism and extremism, and joint operational and search activities and mutual provision of technical and material assistance.
Special attention will be paid to the cooperation in countering the activities of international terrorist organizations (hereinafter referred to as the ITO) seeking to involve nationals of the member states in terrorist, separatist and extremist groups, to the development of cooperation with relevant international organizations and regional associations aimed at identifying and stopping the transit channels for persons who undertook terrorist training in order to participate, as part of the ITO, in armed conflicts in the territory of a third country, as well as to the identification of such persons when they return to the territory of the SCO member states following their training or engagement in the armed conflicts on the ITO side.
The member states will jointly counter the spread of extremist and separatist ideas, especially among young people, and take measured to prevent religious extremism, aggressive nationalism, ethnic and racial intolerance, xenophobia, fascism and chauvinism ideas. To this end, the member states will develop a SCO Convention on combating extremism. In addition to improved coordination between law enforcement agencies, particular attention will be paid to combining the efforts in this field of educational institutions, mass media (hereinafter referred to as media), research centers, religious organizations, and non-governmental organizations.
The member states will enhance the activities of the SCO Regional Antiterrorist Structure aimed at combating terrorism, separatism and extremism.
Drawing on the implementation experience of the Agreement between the SCO member states on cooperation in combating illicit trafficking in narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors of 2004 and the Anti-Drug Strategy for 2011-2016, the member states will continue to strengthen their anti-drug cooperation. Emphasis will be made on conducting joint operations against drug and precursors trafficking, training of law enforcement units’ staff, provision of financial organizational and technical assistance, enhanced cooperation in the field of drug demand reduction, training and research and practical activities.
The member states will develop special projects in order to combat drug trafficking, promote research and exchanges in the field of techniques and technologies of monitoring and elimination of illicit cultivation of narcotic plants, promote educational activities to combat drug abuse. The above will be incorporated in an Anti-drug strategy of the SCO member states for a subsequent period and Program of actions for its implementation to be elaborated.
The anti-laundering of crime proceeds will be an important area of SCO activities. The Organization intends to intensify the cooperation with the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering and the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.
While respecting the principle of inviolability of borders and waiving the unilateral military superiority in adjacent areas, the member states intend to actively strengthen cooperation in order to turn common borders into borders of peace and friendship.
SCO will seek to establish an effective joint mechanism of the information space security in order to prevent and counter threats to the political, economic and social security of the member states.
On the basis of the intergovernmental Agreement on cooperation in the field of international information security of 2009 and other documents, the member states will strengthen cooperation in the field of Internet management, prevent the use of Internet’s “three forces of evil” for activities undermining security and stability in the region. To this end, they will improve the mechanism of cooperation in combating the use of information and communication technologies (hereinafter referred to as ICT) for terrorist purposes and in countering cyber threats to the security of SCO member states.
SCO will seek adoption by the UN of the “Rules of conduct in the field of international information security” and subsequently, on this basis, work together with other members of the international community on a unified international ICT regulation and develop cooperation in this field, including professional training of relevant experts of the member states.
In accordance with the Agreement between the governments of SCO member states on cooperation in assistance to emergency situations of 2005, the member states will cooperate in preventing and mitigating natural and man-made disasters in view of the growing need in the modern world to protect the population and territory against threats generated by emergencies.
The member states consider addressing illegal migration as one of the important areas for the joint efforts related to the maintenance of security. They will take steps aimed at establishing a legal framework for the effective cooperation in this field.
The member states will be contributing to the common efforts by the international community and the UN aimed at ensuring security in its various dimensions, including economic, financial, energy and food.
The member states intend to take practical steps to ensure the safe and stable operation of the jointly used infrastructure facilities in transport, communications, and energy.