中国日报网 2020-04-03 10:30

一方城,两轴线,五组团,十景苑,百花田,千年林,万顷波:one city, two axes, five city clusters, ten scenic gardens, fields of flowers, thousand-year forests and boundless waves
南北轴线:north-south axis
河岸空间:waterfront area
临淀空间:lakeside area
堤堰空间:dike area
临淀慢行系统: lakeside traffic calming system
城市天际线:urban skyline
绿带:green belt
城市界面管控:urban interface control
城淀空间界面:city-lake interface
城林空间界面:city-forest interface
街道空间界面:street interface
建筑群:architecture clusters
建筑屋顶平坡结合:roofs of urban buildings in a combination of flat and pitched styles
夜景照明:nightscape illumination
建筑泛光:building illumination
过度亮化:over illumination
城市光污染:urban light pollution
一环,一心,两轴, 多廊,绿网: one belt, one center, two axes,multiple corridors and green network
绿化带:forest belt
生态斑块:ecological site
生态绿心:ecological green center
特色景观节点:landscape node with distinct features
两主六次:two main ecological corridors and six minor ecological corridors
海绵城市:sponge city
城市生态绿网:urban ecological green network
城市绿地公园:urban green land parks
综合公园:comprehensive parks
社区公园:community parks
专类公园:theme parks
遗址公园:historic site parks
生态公园:ecological parks
带状公园:linear parks
无障碍设计:barrier-free design
郊野公园:countryside parks
常绿落叶混交林:mixed forest of evergreen and deciduous plants
林荫化率:forest shade coverage rate
一核,两带,两片,四点:one core, two belts, two zones and four nodes
生态单元:ecological unit
草地斑块:grass patch area
岸际植物:shore plants
季节性湿生草甸:seasonal wet meadow
水生湿生植物:the hydrophytes and phreatophytes
以水定城,以水定人:setting up urban development and human activities based on the local water system and conditions
防洪排涝:flood prevention and drainage
上蓄,中疏,下排,适滞:storing water upstream, dredging water in the central area and draining water downstream with overall moderate retention of water
分洪闸:flood diversion sluice
流域:drainage basin
蓄,疏,固,垫,架:water storage, water dredging, dike strengthening, protection pad and frame alongside dike
生态堤防:ecological dike
排水防涝系统:water drainage and waterlogging prevention system
地表径流:direct runoff
北截,中疏,南蓄,适排:cutting off water in the north, dredging water in the central area, storing water in the south and moderately draining water
南水北调中线供应:Central Route of the South-North Water Transfer Project
雄安干渠和调蓄水库:main canal and storage reservoir of Xiongan New Area
森林斑块:forest site
雨水调蓄湿地:rainwater-regulated wetland
汛期:flood season
蓝绿空间:blue-green space
年径流量:annual total runoff
缓冲带:buffer zone
雨水花园:rainwater garden
下沉式绿地:sunken green land
透水铺装:permeable pavement
一环护城,双带净化,多源活水,多水润城:one round-the-city water system, two belts for purification and multi-sources of running water to moisten and nourish the city
排涝竖向:vertical flood drainage system