中国日报网 2020-04-03 10:30

总体国家安全观:holistic view of national security
防抗救相结合:combining prevention, mitigation and relief
常态减灾,非常态救灾:disaster mitigation as daily routine and disaster relief as emergency response
抢险救援:emergency rescue and disaster relief
城市安全监测预警系统: urban security warning and monitoring system
防灾减灾:disaster prevention and mitigation
过境危险品运输车辆:transit vehicles delivering hazardous goods
安全生产责任制:responsibility system for safe production
城市重大危险源台账:record of major urban sources of dangers and risks
防空防灾一体化:integration of air defense and disaster prevention
应急指挥救援系统:command and rescue emergency response system
城市安全技术研究院:urban security technological research institute
应急物资储备库:storage pool for emergency supplies
综合性消防救援队伍:firefighting team
街面警务工作站:police stations on streets
综合检查站:integrated inspection stations
次生灾害:secondary disaster
测震台:earthquake observation station
减隔震技术:seismic mitigation and isolation technologies
抗震减灾:earthquake resistance and disaster mitigation
多级综合消防救援通道:fire control and rescue system
空中救援:air rescue
消防直升机起降点:firefighting helicopter pads
京津冀协同发展领导小组:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development leading group
廉洁雄安:Xiongan clean governance
从严治党:strengthening Party self-discipline
党风廉政:good Party conduct and clean governance
廉政治理体系:clean governance mechanism
正风肃纪:to tighten discipline and improve Party conduct
秉公用权,干净干事:exercise power impartially and work with clean conduct.
控制性详细规划:controlled detailed plan
社会参与机制:social participation
生态保护红线:ecological protection red line
永久基本农田:permanent farmland
城镇开发边界:urban development boundary
耕地保有量:minimum reserved cultivated land
耕地占补平衡:balance of cultivated land occupation and compensation
产业准入负面清单管理:negative list management for industry access
积分落户制度:points-based hukou (household registration) system
Contributed by Wen Ying, Andrew McEwen
温颖 马普安