中国日报网 2020-07-31 09:22
重大水利工程 major water conservancy projects
China will advance the construction of 150 new major water conservancy projects.The projects are expected to increase the storage capacity for flood control by 9 billion cubic meters and the annual water supply capacity by 42 billion cubic meters, said Su Wei, an official with the NDRC at a briefing.
这150项重大水利工程(major water conservancy projects)主要包括防洪减灾(flood control and disaster relief)、水资源优化配置(optimized allocation of water resources)、灌溉节水和供水(irrigation and water supply)、水生态保护修复(water ecological protection and restoration)、智慧水利(smart water conservancy)等5大类。
今年的《政府工作报告》提出:重点支持既促消费惠民生又调结构增后劲的“两新一重(新型基础设施、新型城镇化和重大工程,new infrastructure and new urbanization initiatives and major projects)”建设。
First, we will step up the construction of new types of infrastructure. We will develop next-generation information networks, expand 5G applications, and develop data centers. We will build more battery charging and swapping facilities and promote wider use of new-energy automobiles. We will stimulate new consumer demand and promote industrial upgrading.
Second, we will strengthen the development of a new type of urbanization. We will do more to improve public facilities and services in county seats, so as to meet the growing demand to work and settle in them among rural residents. We will begin the renovation of 39,000 old urban residential communities and support the upgrading of plumbing and wiring and the installation of elevators in old residential buildings; we will encourage the development of community services such as elderly home care, the provision of meals, and cleaning services.
Third, we will redouble efforts to develop major transportation and water conservancy projects, and increase national railway development capital by 100 billion yuan. We will improve market-based investment and financing mechanisms to support private enterprises in participating in projects on an equal footing. We will ensure that projects are up to standard, so they do not create any undesired consequences and the investments made deliver long-term returns.
The total investment in the projects is estimated to reach 1.29 trillion yuan ($184.38 billion), which is expected to drive investment of about 6.6 trillion yuan and offer about 800,000 job positions annually on average, Su said.
跨省区市团队旅游 group tours that cross provincial borders
Travel agencies in China have been given permission to resume group tours that cross provincial borders, following a period of suspension due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism said in the circular. However, group tours in those areas with middle and high COVID-19 risk levels and overseas group tours are still not allowed, said the circular.
说到“暂停”,我们可能立即会想到pause这个词,不过,在具体使用的时候,pause更偏重“短时间暂停(后继续进行某事)”的意思,比如:He talked for two hours without pausing for breath.(他说了两个小时的话,都没有停下来喘口气。)On leaving, she paused for a moment at the door.(离开的时候,她在门口停顿了一下。)而上文中的suspension及其动词形式suspend多指“把事情停下来一阵子(直到有后续的决策)”,比如:Tour groups were suspended because of the epidemic.(由于疫情原因,团队游被暂时叫停了。)这里的“暂停”一般会持续一段时间,直到形势变化允许这件事能继续进行。
The limit on the number of visitors allowed in tourist attractions will be set at 50 percent of the maximum capacity, according to the circular, an increase on the previous limit of 30 percent.
With strict epidemic prevention and control measures in place, indoor areas at scenic spots can open to the public through appointments and with restrictions on visitor numbers.
The circular also required travel agencies to provide sufficient protective materials, including masks, body-temperature testing equipment, and disposable gloves, for drivers, tour guides and tourists.
Tourists should show their health QR codes to travel agencies when signing up for group tours, and have the codes checked again before starting their travels, according to the circular, stressing that tourists with abnormal temperatures are not allowed to join tours.
新业态 new business models
7月15日,国家发展和改革委等13部门联合印发了《关于支持新业态新模式健康发展 激活消费市场带动扩大就业的意见》,提出支持数字经济15种新业态新模式的一系列政策措施。
Nineteen measures have been identified for the development of new business models such as online education, livestreaming, e-commerce and individual business running via WeChat, according to the guideline.
新出台的举措重点支持15种新业态新模式——在线教育(online education)、互联网医疗(online health services)、线上办公(telecommuting)、数字化治理(digital governance)、产业平台化发展、传统企业数字化转型(digital transformation of traditional enterprises)、“虚拟”产业园和产业集群(virtual industrial parks and clusters)、“无人经济”(humanless economy)、培育新个体经济支持自主就业(self-employment)、发展微经济鼓励“副业创新”(innovation of side businesses)、探索多点执业、共享生活、共享生产、生产资料共享及数据要素流通。
The rapid growth of digital technology has created several new business models despite the novel coronavirus outbreak and played a key role in the prevention and control of the epidemic, apart from boosting the slowing economy and stabilizing employment.
According to the guideline, costs will be further lowered for individuals to start businesses online to offer diversified job opportunities.
Efforts will be stepped up in promoting the micro economy and encouraging the innovation of side businesses, the guideline said.
The guideline highlighted endeavors to promote employment based on diversified channels including social media, e-commerce, short-video and live-streaming platforms.
More efforts are needed in exploring social security policies that can be applied to flexible employment patterns involving multiple platforms and employers.
影院开放 cinemas reopen
Chinese movie theaters in low-risk areas have been allowed to resume operation starting from July 20 following an improvement in the COVID-19 epidemic situation, the China Film Administration announced Thursday. These movie theaters should reopen on the premise that proper prevention and control measures have been put in place, the administration said in a circular.
Cinemas should suspend their operation once their localities are adjusted to be medium- or high-risk areas, and theaters in medium- and high-risk areas are still being closed, the administration said.
登记观众信息,检查体温,未戴口罩和体温37.3度以上者不得进入(those who do not wear masks or with a body temperature above 37.3 degrees Celsius will not be admitted into the theate)。
全部采取网络实名预约、无接触方式售票(make real-name reservations and purchase tickets online);实行交叉隔座售票,保证陌生观众间距1米以上(keep a distance of at least one meter);每场上座率不得超过30%(attendance per show must not exceed 30 percent)。
安排专人做好现场管理,监督进入影院区域的工作人员和观众必须全程佩戴口罩(wear masks during the screenings),对号入座。
电影放映场所原则上不售卖零食和饮料(cinemas will not sell snacks or drinks),影厅内原则上禁止饮食。
电影放映场所减少放映场次(cut screenings),日排片减至正常时期的一半,控制观影时间,每场不超过两个小时(showtime for each screening should not be more than 2 hours),延长场间休息时间,对影厅充分清洁与消毒;不同影厅错时排场(staggered film times for different auditoriums ),避免进出场观众聚集。