中国日报网 2021-09-01 10:00

灵活就业人员 people doing flexible jobs
The guideline clarified labor relations requirements, break arrangements and social insurance for people doing flexible jobs.
移动互联网(mobile internet)时代,越来越多人的工作任务来自手机,就业形态也发生了新变化,出现了由互联网平台作为劳动力资源组织方,将劳动者和消费者直接对接的新就业形态(new employment model connecting workers with consumers directly)。外卖送餐员、快递配送员、网约车驾驶员、互联网营销师等都属于新就业形态。鉴于新就业形态劳动用工去雇主化、劳动关系灵活化(flexible labor relations)的特点,劳动者大部分是灵活就业人员,与从业单位之间属于非稳定劳动关系。
Food delivery platforms must establish an income distribution system based on orders the delivery workers take and the intensity of their work. The food delivery workers' income should not be less than the locality's lowest wage standard.
The algorithms used to send orders to delivery workers and time limits for food delivery cannot be used as assessment criteria. Food delivery platforms are expected to relax delivery time limits.
There are over 3.51 million licensed ride-hailing drivers serving 236 platforms nationwide.
Some ride-hailing applications had encroached on drivers' rights by collecting high commissions, meaning they have to work longer to maintain their incomes.
Commission这个词,常见的意思是“委员会”,比如:中央全面依法治国委员会(the Commission for Law-based Governance under the CPC Central Committee),中央纪律检查委员会(the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection),国家卫生健康委员会(National Health Commission)等,但是在本文的语境中,commission指的是“a fee paid to an agent or employee for transacting a piece of business or performing a service,especially a percentage of the money received from a total paid to the agent responsible for the business”(代理人或员工完成一项交易或服务后收取的费用,尤指从整个交易费用中划出的一定比例的金钱收入),也就是“佣金,提成,抽成”等,比如:He gets a commission for each car he sells(他每卖掉一辆车就有一份提成收入)。
The Ministry of Transport will require ride-hailing platforms to sign formal labor contracts with drivers and clarify the platforms' responsibilities to the drivers they employ.
The country will carry out pilots to offer occupational injury insurance for the flexibly employed in ride-hailing, food delivery, and instant delivery platform enterprises.
商标恶意抢注 malicious trademark registrations

The National Intellectual Property Administration rejected 109 applications for trademark registration using names of Olympic athletes on Thursday in a bid to protect the name rights of public figures.
Any signs, including words, graphs, letters, numerals, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations, sound or any combination thereof, that are capable of distinguishing the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organizations from those of others may be applied for registration as trademarks.
A trademark submitted for registration shall bear noticeable characteristics and be readily distinguishable, and it may not conflict with the legitimate rights obtained by others earlier.
今年3月,国家知识产权局印发的《打击商标恶意抢注行为专项行动方案》,重点打击商标恶意抢注(malicious trademark registrations)、图谋不当利益(profiteering),扰乱商标注册管理秩序(disrupt order of trademark registration management),造成较大不良社会影响的行为,其中包括“恶意抢注具有较高知名度的公众人物姓名、知名作品或者角色名称”。
Some enterprises attempted to maliciously use the names of Olympic players to apply for trademarks.
The behavior, which is to benefit from others' reputation, has not only harmed Olympic athletes' rights and interests, but also brought negative effects to society, according to the note.
It said the administration will intensify efforts to fight malicious trademark registrations and keep a sound business environment, adding applicants or agencies that use improper means to apply for trademarks will be punished in line with the law.
Without getting permission from the Olympic athletes or guardians of players who are minors, no one should maliciously register their names as trademarks or take other action infringing on the right of their names or other rights, the committee said.
"If such acts occur, the application for trademark registration should be suspended or withdrawn in a timely manner," it said, adding that the athletes or guardians of young players have the right to sue infringers.
A natural person enjoys the right to name and is entitled to determine, use,
change, or allow others to use his name in accordance with law, provided that public order and good morals are not offended.
No organization or individual may infringe upon other’s rights to name or rights to entity name by means such as interference, misappropriation, impersonation, or the like.
人口计生法修订 revised Population and Family Planning Law
The revised Population and Family Planning Law allows couples in China to have three children.
The amended law also stipulates that social maintenance fees imposed on families who have violated family planning law, as well as other rules incompatible with the new third-child policy, will be canceled.
2013年,十八届三中全会决定启动实施“单独二孩”政策(夫妻中有一方为独生子女的可生育两个孩子,two-child policy for couples of which one partner is an only child)。
2015年,十八届五中全会决定实施“全面二孩政策”(the universal two-child policy),积极开展应对人口老龄化(aging population)行动,促进人口均衡发展(improve the balanced development of population)。
The country will roll out more supportive measures in terms of finance, taxation, insurance, education, housing and employment, to ease the burden on families in terms of childbearing, childcare and education.
The revised law stipulates a push for establishing affordable, government-subsidized nursery care service systems, and setting up child care facilities in public spaces and workplaces.
It also requires local governments to set up sufficient public facilities to cater for infants and young children when building or revamping communities. Public areas and institutions employing a large number of female workers should also set up nursery services.
The law also includes a provision addressing parental leave, making it clear that support will be given to regions exercising the practice.
这里的parental leave指父母双方在孩子出生后均可以享受的假期,即“育儿假”,而母亲在生产后按规定享受的一段假期是maternity/maternal leave(产假),如果是“带薪产假”则为paid maternity leave。Maternity和maternal这两个词都与mother这个词相关,而拉丁语中的“妈妈”一词为mater,正是maternity和maternal的词根。我们都知道英语中表达亲戚关系的词都是uncle、aunt这样,而不是像中文那样“叔叔”、“舅舅”、“姑姑”、“阿姨”分的很清楚,如果在表达的时候想要区分,可以在前面加上maternal或者paternal,比如:my maternal aunt就是“我姨”,而my paternal aunt则是“我姑”。
It adds that medical facilities nationwide should launch awareness campaigns on promoting reproductive health and providing services in this respect.
The revised law states that a women's right to employment will be guaranteed and employment services will be provided for those whose job prospects are affected due to pregnancies.
China will continue to implement its current reward and assistance system and preferential policies for one-child families. The elderly in such families will be given preferential treatment in terms of welfare benefits and elderly care services, according to the amendment.
Couples whose only child has died or is disabled should receive comprehensive care provided by local governments.
火星车 Mars rover

China's Mars rover Zhurong had traveled more than 1,000 meters on the surface of the red planet as of Monday, the Lunar Exploration and Space Program Center of the China National Space Administration (CNSA) said. The Mars rover has outlived its three-month life expectancy with all of its predetermined tasks completed.
“祝融号”火星车重240公斤,设计寿命3个月,任务是研究火星形貌与地质构造特征(survey Mars' landforms, geological structures)、火星表面土壤特征与水冰分布(soil characteristics, potential locations of water and ice)、火星大气电离层及表面气候与环境特征(atmospheric and environmental characteristics)、火星物理场与内部结构(magnetic and gravitational fields and other physical properties)等。
China's Tianwen-1 mission was launched on July 23, 2020, the first step in China's adventure in planetary exploration.
China's Tianwen 1 Mars probe streaked down through the Martian sky on May 15,2021, becoming the country's first probe to land on a planet other than Earth. The lander, carrying a Mars rover, touched down at its pre-selected landing area in the southern part of Utopia Planitia, a vast plain on the northern hemisphere of Mars.
Starting its exploration, Zhurong drove down from its landing platform to the Martian surface on May 22, 2021.
2021年8月15日,“祝融号”度过了90个火星日(90 Martian days),所有科学载荷开机探测,共获取约10GB原始数据,“祝融号”火星车圆满完成既定巡视探测任务(accomplish planned exploration and detection tasks)。
火星日(Martian day)平均为 24 小时 39 分 35.244 秒,或 1.027 地球日。火星公转周期(the revolution period of Mars)为 1.88 地球年,687 地球日,或 668.6 火星日。
The CNSA added that the rover will continue to move to the boundary zone between the ancient sea and land in the southern part of Utopia Planitia to carry out tasks.
据介绍,目前,环绕器运行在中继通信轨道,主要为火星车进行中继通信(relay communication)。
The rover will suspend its operations from mid-September to late-October due to the anticipated disruption of its communications with Earth caused by solar electromagnetic radiation, and will then resume its mission.
2021年9月中旬至10月下旬,由于受太阳电磁辐射干扰的影响,器地通信将中断,火星车将停止探测工作,之后任务继续进行 。
2021年9月中旬至10月下旬,火星、地球将运行至太阳的两侧,且三者近乎处于一条直线,即出现日凌现象(sun transit outage)。此时,太阳强大的电磁辐射会对卫星下行信号造成强烈的干扰。
中国人民银行8月23日发布消息称,定于2021年8月30日发行中国首次火星探测任务成功金银纪念币一套( a set of commemorative coins to celebrate the success of China's first Mars exploration mission)。
北京环球度假区 Universal Beijing Resort
Universal Beijing Resort will be open to invited guests only during the trial operation, including selected resort partners and a limited number of winners in official marketing activities.
北京环球度假区位于北京市通州区,由北京环球影城主题公园(the Universal Studios theme park)、北京环球城市大道(Universal CityWalk Beijing)以及两家度假酒店、37处游乐设施(recreational facilities)、主题景点以及餐饮设施等组成。这是全世界第五家、中国首家环球度假区(the fifth Universal Studios theme park in the world and the first in China)。
During trial operations, invited guests will experience selected rides, attractions, shows and dining services throughout the Universal Studios Beijing theme park on designated dates.
The identity information of the invited guests will be pre-registered and invited guests must complete ticket and ID verification, and related pandemic control process at the park entrance before entering the park.
Universal Studios Beijing Trial Operations Tickets will not be sold to the general public and cannot be transferred. The general public should be alerted to the risks of fraudulent trial operations tickets to avoid any personal losses.
据悉,北京环球影城共有七大主题景区(themed lands),分别为功夫熊猫盖世之地(Kung Fu Panda Land of Awesomeness)、变形金刚基地(Transformers Metrobase)、小黄人乐园(Minion Land)、哈利波特的魔法世界(The Wizarding World of Harry Potter)、侏罗纪世界努布拉岛(Jurassic World Isla Nublar)、好莱坞(Hollywood)和未来水世界(Waterworld),并且对电影中的许多场景都进行了完美复刻。