中国日报网 2021-07-01 09:23


三孩政策 three-child policy
The meeting unveiled a policy that would allow all couples to have up to three children, in a bid to cope with an increasingly aging society. It also pledged stronger support for families.
2013年,十八届三中全会决定启动实施“单独二孩”政策(夫妻中有一方为独生子女的可生育两个孩子,two-child policy for couples of which one partner is an only child)。
2015年,十八届五中全会决定实施“全面二孩政策”(the universal two-child policy),积极开展应对人口老龄化(aging population)行动,促进人口均衡发展(improve the balanced development of population)。
They stressed the need for unified policymaking in terms of marriage, births, parenting and education, with stronger measures to guide young adults on issues related to marriage and family values and to target unhealthy social conduct during wedding ceremonies and excessive betrothal gifts.
彩礼(betrothal gifts)是我国婚礼习俗中的一部分,指婚前男方送给女方的礼金和聘礼,送彩礼代表婚约正式缔结,若有反悔,彩礼一般要退回。彩礼一般分为礼金(gift money)和实物(gift items)两部分。与彩礼对应的是女方出嫁时娘家准备的“嫁妆”(dowry)。
The level of services to ensure good prenatal and postnatal care must be improved, and a child care service system that benefits all families will be established.
The meeting called for greater equality in education and an enhanced supply of high-quality education resources to reduce families' education expenditure.
More incentives in taxes and housing will be rolled out and the legitimate interests of women in the job market will be safeguarded.
Roll out something或者roll something out都表示“首次推出、发布(服务、产品、政策等)”,比如:The company plans to roll out the new product across Europe in the coming months.(公司计划未来几个月在欧洲发布这款新产品)。其名词形式为rollout,表示某个产品或服务经过试用后逐步扩大供应至更多人群,比如:rollout of COVID-19 vaccines(新冠疫苗供应)。此外,英语里还有一个固定短语roll out the red carpet for (someone),字面意思是“为某人铺红毯”,其实也是“欢迎某人,盛情款待”的意思,比如:The city council decided to roll out the red carpet for the visit of the foreign prince.(该市议会决定为这位外国王子举办盛大的欢迎仪式)。
China should continue to implement its current reward and assistance system as well as preferential policies for families with one child and rural families with only two daughters who were born before the implementation of the two-child policy.
The nation will establish and improve various policies for such families under the family planning policy.
The meeting urged efforts to deepen the national medium- and long-term population development strategy and regional population development planning to promote long-term and balanced population development.
校外培训机构 off-campus training institutions
The State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) slapped fines amounting to 36.5 million yuan on 15 tutoring firms on Tuesday for false advertising and pricing frauds.
Fraud这个词既可以指“欺诈”这个行为或罪名,也可以表示某个人是“骗子”或某件事是“骗局”,比如:That diet book is a fraud and a waste of time(那本烹饪书就是骗人的,纯属浪费时间),credit card fraud(信用卡诈骗),He claims to be a doctor, but he's just a fraud without a medical licence.(他自称是医生,但其实是一个没有医师执照的骗子)。
The SAMR inspection found that 15 training institutions had indulged in false advertising, while 13 resorted to pricing frauds.
校外培训机构可以统称为after-school/off-campus training institutions,其中针对在校课程的“补习班”可以用cram session或者tutoring class表示,而根据孩子们的兴趣爱好开设的“兴趣班”则可以用hobby class表示。
The regulator found that academic qualifications of some tutors at the firms were fabricated or exaggerated.
The tutoring industry should not develop for profiteering, and disorderly expansion should be forestalled.
Profiteer这个词以profit开头,所以这个词表达的意思与“利润,利益”有关,profiteer可以用作动词或名词,表示“牟取暴利”或“牟取暴利的人、投机商人”等,比如:a war profiteer(战时投机商)。Profiteering也是名词,表示“牟取暴利(行为)”,比如:We will not tolerate profiteering on food aid that is supposed to be free.(我们不能容忍用免费的援助食物牟取暴利的行为)。
The malpractices of false advertising and pricing fraud have damaged the legitimate rights and interests of students and their parents and disrupted the orderly market competition.
The first quarter of 2021 saw surging complaints about the tutoring industry, with the total number of complaints filed by consumers via the online service platform "12315" topping 47,100, up 65 percent from a year earlier.
Market regulators will build a long-term mechanism of oversight and improve the code of conduct and supervision principles.
鸿蒙操作系统 HarmonyOS 2
Chinese telecom giant Huawei on Wednesday officially launched its operating system HarmonyOS 2 for smartphones, providing customers worldwide with a competitive alternative that works on a diverse range of devices.
这里的OS是operating system的简写形式,比如苹果的操作系统就是iOS,安卓的操作系统就是Android OS。
HarmonyOS, or Hongmeng in Chinese, is an open-source operating system designed for various devices and scenarios. It first launched on Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, including wearables and tablets, in August 2019.
As a next-generation operating system for smart devices, HarmonyOS provides a common language for different kinds of devices to connect and collaborate, providing users with a more convenient, smooth, and secure experience.
Zhao called HarmonyOS a "mega-terminal" that enables more streamlined and efficient cross-device connectivity.
Streamline这个词用作动词表示“to improve the effectiveness of an organization such as a business or government, often by making the way activities are performed simpler”,即“通过简化办事流程来提高企业或政府机构的效率”,比如,streamline administration and delegate power就是时政类报道中经常提到的“简政放权”,The cost-cutting measures include streamlining administrative procedures in the company(降低成本的措施包括简化公司的行政流程)。
"HarmonyOS greatly enhances the interactive speed between devices and improves the efficiency of their computing power, thus providing customers with a more optimized cross-device user experience," said Zhao.
"We are surrounded by more and more smart devices these days, and are now in a world where all things are connected," said Yu. "Every single one of us is a part of this fully connected world, as is every device. We look forward to working with more partners and developers to build a thriving HarmonyOS ecosystem," he said.
Chinese industries, including home appliances, sports and fitness, travel, entertainment, and education, have welcomed the launch of HarmonyOS.
In May, Midea Group, a leading Chinese home appliances maker, announced that it would roll out some 200 new products running on HarmonyOS by the end of this year.
Huawei expects the number of devices equipped with HarmonyOS to reach 300 million by the end of 2021, including more than 200 million for Huawei devices.
中共一大纪念馆 the memorial of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China
6月3日,位于上海市的中国共产党第一次全国代表大会纪念馆(the memorial of the first National Congress of the Communist Party of China)开馆。

The memorial includes the site of the first CPC National Congress, an oath-taking hall, and a newly-built exhibition area.
说到“纪念馆”或“纪念碑”,我们会想到对应的是memorial和monument这两个词。在具体使用的时候,两个词稍有区别:memorial可以指“纪念堂、纪念馆,纪念物、纪念碑”等各类用以缅怀逝去的人们或者纪念某个重要事件的建筑物,比如:chairman Mao memorial hall(毛主席纪念堂),Beichuan Earthquake Memorial(北川地震纪念馆)等,同时,memorial也可以直接表示“纪念(悼念)仪式”,可以跟memorial service/ceremony替换使用,比如:Thousands of people attended a memorial to victims of the accident.(数千人参加了这次事故遇难者的悼念仪式)。
Monument更多地用来指代实物的“纪念碑、纪念馆”等具有历史意义的建筑,一般用来纪念有重大影响的人物、事件等,比如:the Monument to the People's Heroes(人民英雄纪念碑),Washington Monument(华盛顿纪念碑),法国的Arc de Triomphe(凯旋门)也属于monument。固定短语be a monument to sth表示“是...的丰碑,是...的不朽成果”,比如:The annual arts festival is a monument to her vision and hard work.(一年一度的艺术节是她开阔的视野及辛勤创作的成果)。The hotel is a monument to mass tourism.(这家旅馆是大众旅游热潮的见证)。
More than 1,100 selected items that highlight the Party's history have been displayed in the exhibition area spanning 3,400 square meters.
The exhibition area is divided into seven sections that chronicle the founding of the CPC as well as the Party's efforts and achievements over the past 100 years.
Chronicle做名词的时候表示“编年史”,一般强调按事件发生的顺序记载,比如:a chronicle of the French Revolution(法国革命编年史),用作动词的时候就表示“详细记录某件事的发生经过”,比如:His one-man show chronicles the life of Mark Twain.(他的单人秀生动展现了马克吐温的一生)。
Exhibits including relics, photos and literature cover major events such as the New Culture Movement, the May Fourth Movement, the establishment of early CPC organizations and early CPC national congresses.
A total of 72 versions of The Communist Manifesto are also on display.
“联合国生态系统恢复十年”倡议 the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
Amidst the triple environmental threat of biodiversity loss, climate disruption and escalating pollution, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres on Friday launched the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration on the eve of World Environment Day.
“联合国生态系统恢复十年”倡议(the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration)是一项全球性号召,致力于推动世界各地对生态系统进行保护和修复(a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world),从而造福人类和自然。它旨在制止生态系统的退化(halt the degradation of ecosystems),并对其进行修复,以实现全球目标。只有拥有健康的生态系统,我们才能改善人民生计,抵御气候变化,阻止生物多样性丧失(Only with healthy ecosystems can we enhance people’s livelihoods, counteract climate change, and stop the collapse of biodiversity)。
联合国生态系统恢复十年从2021年持续到2030年,这也是实现可持续发展目标的最后期限(the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals)和科学家们认定的防止灾难性气候变化的最后机会(the timeline scientists have identified as the last chance to prevent catastrophic climate change)。
“联合国生态系统恢复十年”由联合国环境规划署(the UN Environment Programme,UNEP)和联合国粮食及农业组织(the Food and Agriculture Organization,FAO)共同领导,旨在重构、重建、重塑生态系统( re-imagine, recreate and restore ecosystems)。
The planet was rapidly reaching a "point of no return," cutting down forests, polluting rivers and oceans, and ploughing grasslands "into oblivion."
单词oblivion本意是“完全被遗忘”,常见的搭配是fade/slide/sink into oblivion,均表示“慢慢淡出别人的记忆”,比如:These toys will be around for a year or two, then fade/slide/sink into oblivion(这些玩具在手边玩一两年以后就会被冷落在一旁了)。此外,oblivion还表示“被彻底摧毁”,比如:The planes bombed the city into oblivion(飞机轰炸把这座城市夷为平地)。
"We are ravaging the very ecosystems that underpin our societies," the UN chief warned.
"Our degradation of the natural world is destroying the very food, water and resources needed to survive, and already undermining the well-being of 3.2 billion people -- or 40 percent of humanity," said the top UN official.
But fortunately, the Earth is resilient and "we still have time to reverse the damage we have done," he added.
时政类报道中经常提到的“经济有韧性”一般会翻译为resilience in economic development或者resilient economic growth。所谓的“韧性”就是指经历过挫折和困境以后还能恢复到原先活力状态的能力,形容词resilient和名词resilience都可以用来表达这个意思。此外,形容词resilient和名词resilience也表示“弹性好的,能复原的,适应力好的”等意思,比如:Life is hard there, but the people are resilient.(那里生活艰难,但是人们都坚韧不拔),上文中the Earth is resilient也是这一层意思。This rubber ball is very resilient and immediately springs back into shape.(这个橡皮球弹性非常好,很快就恢复了原状)。
By restoring ecosystems, he said that "we can drive a transformation that will contribute to the achievement of all the Sustainable Development Goals."
"Accomplishing these things will not only safeguard the planet's resources. It will create millions of new jobs by 2030, generate returns of over 7 trillion US dollars every year and help eliminate poverty and hunger."
He pointed out that the next 10 years are "our final chance to avert a climate catastrophe, turn back the deadly tide of pollution and end species loss."
新冠疫苗紧急使用 emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines
China is expected to administer COVID-19 vaccines to at least 70 percent of the target population by the end of this year, an official from the National Health Commission confirmed, as the country continues to ramp up its inoculation drive to approve the emergency use of COVID-19 vaccines for those aged between 3 and 17 years old.
我国已有21个新冠疫苗进入临床试验阶段(21 COVID-19 vaccines entering different stages of clinical trials)。目前有4个疫苗在国内获批附条件上市(conditional market approval for public use),3个疫苗在国内获批紧急使用(emergency use authorization),8个疫苗在国外获批开展Ⅲ期临床试验(launch Phase-3 clinical trials),1个mRNA疫苗在国外获伦理批准(pass ethics evaluation overseas),实现了境外临床试验灭活疫苗(inactivated vaccines)、重组蛋白疫苗(recombinant protein vaccines)、腺病毒载体疫苗(adenovirus vector vaccines)、核酸疫苗(nucleic acid vaccines)技术路线的全面覆盖。
Preliminary results from Phase I and II clinical trials showed the vaccine could trigger immune response in three to 17 year-old participants, and most adverse reactions were mild.
Following approval by relevant authorities, vaccination will be open to people in this age group based on the epidemic prevention and control situation .
Over 763 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines had been administered across China as of Saturday, NHC figures showed.
The oldest vaccine recipients in China's vaccination campaign, open to people aged over 18, are more than 100 years old.
China is also making headway in creating nasal spray and inhaled COVID-19 vaccines as clinical trials of them are underway, and experts will study their safety and efficacy after completing the collection of relevant data.
我国在鼻喷雾式 / 吸入型新冠疫苗研发方面也有新进展,目前这种疫苗正在进行临床试验。相关数据收集完成后,专家将对其安全性和有效性展开研究。
固定搭配make headway表示“move forward or make progress”(前进或有进步),比如:The boat made little headway against the strong current(海浪太大,船几乎没怎么动);We're gradually making headway with the project(我们的项目在慢慢推进)。
长江流域生态环境保护 ecological protection in the Yangtze River basin
China has made notable progress in improving water quality, restoring aquatic biodiversity and controlling pollution in the Yangtze River basin, according to the report.
Water quality of 96.7 percent of Yangtze River segments reached Level III standard or above in 2020, 13.3 percentage points higher than the national average and 14.9 percentage points higher than the 2015 figure. For the first time, the water quality of the main stream of the Yangtze River reached Level II standard or above in 2020, the report notes.
根据国家环保总局与国家质量监督检验检疫总局联合发布的《地表水环境质量标准》,依据地表水(surface water)水域环境功能和保护目标(the utilization purposes and protection objectives),按功能高低依次划分为五类:
Ⅰ类(一类地表水 Class I) 主要适用于源头水(source water)、国家自然保护区(national nature reserves);
Ⅱ类 (二类地表水 Class II)主要适用于集中式生活饮用水地表水源地一级保护区(first-class protected areas for centralized sources of drinking water)、珍稀水生生物栖息地(protected areas for rare aquatic animals)、鱼虾类产场(spawning fields of fishes and shrimps)、仔稚幼鱼的索饵场等;
Ⅲ类 (三类地表水 Class III)主要适用于集中式生活饮用水地表水源地二级保护区、鱼虾类越冬场、洄游通道(migration pathways)、水产养殖区(aquatic breeding areas)等渔业水域及游泳区;
Ⅳ类(四类地表水 Class IV) 主要适用于一般工业用水区及人体非直接接触的娱乐用水区(water areas for industrial use and entertainment which is not directly touched by human bodies);
V类(五类地表水 Class V) 主要适用于农业用水区及一般景观要求水域(water bodies for agricultural and landscape use)。
此外,水污染治理中提到的“劣Ⅴ类”(below Class V),是指质量低于V类的水,甚至无法用于工业和灌溉用途(unusable even for industrial or irrigation purposes),被描述为“黑臭”水体("black and stinky" water)。
Provinces and municipalities along the Yangtze River have effectively implemented the 10-year fishing ban, with 228,000 fishermen on 110,000 boats relinquishing their nets, says the report, adding that there have been more frequent sightings of flagship species, such as the Yangtze finless porpoise, after the ban.
这里的relinquish表示“放弃(某种责任或权力;手中持有的东西)”,比如:relinquish one's claim to the throne(放弃王位),relinquish control of the family business(放弃家族生意),以及上文中的relinquish nets(放下渔网),也就是“退捕”,不再打鱼了。
Amid pollution control efforts, 558 hazardous chemical production enterprises in densely populated urban areas of the Yangtze River Economic Belt have been relocated or transformed, accounting for 97.2 percent of the total number, says the report.
Measures have been taken to curb agricultural non-point source pollution, says the report, adding that efforts have been strengthened to prevent shipping pollution, promoting the use of new and clean energy by ships in ports along the Yangtze River Economic Belt.
2021年是全面贯彻落实长江保护法(the Yangtze River conservation law)的第一年。要全面贯彻落实长江保护法,依法推动长江流域生态环境保护。
More efforts will be made in promoting green development, preventing and controlling pollution, carrying out ecological restoration, and establishing and improving relevant systems and mechanisms, the report notes.
全球经济增长预期 global economic projection
China's economic growth is expected to accelerate to 8.5 percent this year, faster than projected in January, supported by buoyant exports and release of pent-up demand amid effective control of the COVID-19 outbreak, the World Bank said in the report.
很多人看到project这个词,第一反应就是“项目、工程”,但是在经济展望的报道里,project通常用作动词,表示“to estimate for the future based on information already known”,即“(根据已知信息)预测、预估”,比如:Government spending is projected to rise by three percent next year(预计明年政府支出将增加3%),其名词形式就是projection,比如上文中的“faster than projected in January”也可以改写为“higher than the January projection”。
In addition to China, the strong rebounds from a few major economies, including the United States whose growth is projected at 6.8 percent, will propel the global economy to expand by 5.6 percent this year, the fastest post-recession pace in 80 years, according to the report.
Despite the recovery, global output will be about 2 percent below pre-pandemic projections by the end of this year, the report showed. Per capita income losses will not be unwound by 2022 for about two-thirds of emerging markets and developing economies.
这里的unwound是动词unwind(读作 /ʌnˈwɑɪnd/)的过去分词形式,表示“to change or remove the effects of something”(改变或消除某事的影响),比如:Financial markets believe that these imbalances can be unwound gradually, allowing the economy to land softly(金融市场认为,这些失衡现象会逐步消除,让经济得以软着陆)。其实,unwind就是动词wind(读作 /wɑɪnd/)的反义词,wind表示“拧,转”等意思,“给钟表上发条”常用wind (up) a clock or watch表示,与之相反,wind down或unwind就可以表示“松开发条,放松”,相当于relax,比如:The facility was built as a place where workers could go and unwind after their shifts(这个地方就是让工人们换班以后放松休息的地方)。
While there are welcome signs of global recovery, the pandemic continues to inflict poverty and inequality on people in developing countries around the world.
First and foremost, expanding vaccine distribution and deployment, especially to developing countries, is a precondition to economic recovery.
Globally coordinated efforts are essential to accelerate vaccine distribution and debt relief, particularly for low-income countries.
As the health crisis eases, policymakers will need to address the pandemic's lasting effects and take steps to spur green, resilient, and inclusive growth while safeguarding macroeconomic stability.