中国日报网 2021-07-01 09:23

反外国制裁法 law against foreign sanctions
China's passing of the law against foreign sanctions is an urgent necessity in order to counter the hegemonism and power politics of some Western countries, an official with China's top legislature said. It is also an urgent necessity to safeguard China's national sovereignty, security and development interests, as well as to coordinate both the domestic and overseas-related rule-of-law, an official of the Legislative Affairs Commission of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress (NPC) said.
In recent years, some Western countries and organizations have smeared China's domestic and foreign policies and legislation, and imposed so-called sanctions upon related state organs, organizations and public servants by using pretexts including Xinjiang, Tibet and Hong Kong-related issues.
这里的impose表示“把...强加给;强制实行”等意思,强调的是“强制、强加”这个意思,常用的搭配就是impose something on/upon someone/something,比如:The government imposed high taxes on cigarettes.(政府对香烟施加重税)。The council has imposed a ban on alcohol in the city parks.(议会在城市公园里实行禁酒令)。你会注意到impose后面跟的一般都是tax、ban、fine等强制政策或惩罚手段。此外,这个短语还可以用来表示“把某人的想法强加在别人身上”,比如:I don't want to impose my will upon my child.(我不想把我的意愿强加在孩子身上)。
The purpose of formulating the law is to counter, fight and oppose unilateral sanctions on China imposed by foreign countries, safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests as well as to protect the legitimate rights and interests of Chinese citizens and organizations, the official said.
-- Refusing to issue visas, banning entry into China, invalidating visas, and deportation;
-- Sealing up, seizing and freezing movable, immovable and other types of property in China;
-- Prohibiting from conducting related transactions with domestic organizations or individuals;
China's determination and will to deepen reform, expand opening-up and safeguard its national sovereignty, security and development interests stand firm, the official added.
燃气爆炸 gas explosion
The State Council's Work Safety Commission will supervise the investigation of the deadly gas explosion in Central China's Hubei province.
Blast和explosion均表示“爆炸”,可以替换使用,不过blast除了表示“爆炸”以外,还可以表示“(爆炸产生的)冲击波;强劲的气流;一阵...”等,比如:a blast of freezing rain(一阵冷冷的冰雨),a blast of anger(一股怒气),feel the blast from several miles away(感受到了几英里之外的冲击波)。
Together with the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Emergency Management has asked local governments to locate markets and catering businesses that use gas and make sure they all have gas leakage alert systems installed as soon as possible.
这里的locate表示“to find or discover the exact position of something”,即“找到或确定某物的具体位置”的意思,在侦探剧中我们经常会听到这个词,比如:The police were unable to locate the murder weapon(警方没能找到杀人凶器),Sniffer dogs located the drugs(嗅探犬找到了毒品)等等。在日常的语境中,locate经常用来表示“位于,坐落于”等意思,比如:The factory was located too close to a residential area(那座工厂的位置离居民区太近),My home is located on the outskirts of town(我们家在郊区)。
More than 2,000 people, including 210 firefighters, have been involved in the search and rescue work, and 913 households near the market have been evacuated for their safety.
A team has been set up to investigate the blast, and Hubei will launch a province-wide blanket inspection to root out potential work safety hazards.
Blanket这个词我们最熟悉的意思是“毯子”,比如:an electric blanket(电热毯),短语a blanket of something指“一层...”,比如: a thick blanket of snow(厚厚的一层雪)。在这里blanket用作形容词,表示“全面的,综合的,包括(所有人,所有事)的”,比如: a blanket ban on smoking(全面禁烟令)。
The commission and the Ministry of Emergency Management also asked local governments to better educate the public about evacuation procedures and to carry out drills so they won't panic when accidents happen.
Working groups from the central departments have been sent to guide the handling of the accident, while a national medical team has also been dispatched to Shiyan.
校外教育培训监管司 department to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools
The Ministry of Education on Tuesday established a new department to regulate extracurricular tutoring schools, aiming to reduce students' excessive academic burden.
这里的“监管”用regulate来表示,是因为regulate强调“(按照法律法规)管理或指导(工作)”或者“为...制定规范规则”,包含了“监督”和“管理”两重含义,比如:The government has introduced new laws to regulate the sale of tobacco(国家颁布新法规范烟草销售)。我们通常所说的“行政管理”多用administer表示,这个词强调的是“管理(机构的运行)”,比如:the UN will administer the country until elections can be held(选举之前,这个国家由联合国进行管理), 所以国家的一些行政管理机构的名称里一般都有administration这个词,比如: State Taxation Administration(国家税务总局),State Administration for Market Regulation(国家市场监管总局)等。
承担面向中小学生(含幼儿园儿童)的校外教育培训管理工作(responsible for regulating tutoring schools for kindergarten pupils, primary and secondary school students),指导校外教育培训机构党的建设(Party building at tutoring schools),拟订校外教育培训规范管理政策(formulate regulatory policies for tutoring schools)。
会同有关方面拟订校外教育培训(含线上线下)机构设置、培训内容、培训时间、人员资质、收费监管等相关标准和制度(set out standards for the content and duration of both online and offline training, the qualifications of tutors as well as charges)并监督执行,组织实施校外教育培训综合治理,指导校外教育培训综合执法。
指导规范面向中小学生的社会竞赛等活动(regulate competitions and contests for primary and secondary school students)。
及时反映和处理校外教育培训重大问题(deal with major problems related to after-school training)。
神舟十二号载人飞船 Shenzhou XII manned spacecraft
China launched the Shenzhou XII spacecraft, its seventh manned spaceflight, on Thursday morning, sending three astronauts to the core module of its permanent space station.The spacecraft, atop a Long March-2F carrier rocket, blasted off at 9:22 am at the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in northwestern China.

在英文报道中,无人航空飞行器、卫星、火箭等(unmanned space vessels, satellites, rockets)的编号一般用阿拉伯数字,而载人飞行器(manned spacecraft)的编号一般用罗马数字,比如,“嫦娥五号”的英文是Chang'e-5,而我国首个载人飞船“神舟五号”的英文是Shenzhou V。
按计划,神舟十二号飞船入轨后,将采用自主快速交会对接模式对接于天和核心舱的前向端口(conduct a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the in-orbit space station core module Tianhe),与天和核心舱、天舟二号货运飞船形成组合体( form a complex with Tianhe and the cargo craft Tianzhou-2)。航天员进驻核心舱(be stationed in the core module),执行天地同步作息制度进行工作生活。驻留约三个月后,搭乘飞船返回舱返回东风着陆场(the Dongfeng Landing Site)。
根据神舟十二号载人飞行任务总体安排,三名航天员聂海胜、刘伯明和汤洪波在轨期间将主要完成四个方面的工作,计划开展两次出舱活动(extravehicular activities)及舱外作业(extravehicular operations)。中国载人航天工程办公室主任助理季启明介绍,这四项主要任务包括:
First, they will operate and manage the complex, including the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module, verification of the recycling and life support system, testing and operation training of the robotic arm, as well as management of materials and waste.
Second, they will move, assemble and test extravehicular spacesuits and perform two extravehicular activities for work including assembling an extravehicular toolbox, lifting the panoramic camera and installing extended pump sets.
Third, they will carry out space science experiments and technology experiments, as well as public outreach activities.
Fourth, they will manage their own health through daily life care, physical exercise, and regular monitoring and assessment of their own health status.
2021年4月29日,我国用长征五号乙运载火箭(Long March 5B heavy-lift rocket)将天和核心舱发射进入轨道。
Based on project plans, the Tianzhou 3 cargo ship will be launched in September to dock with Tianhe and the next month, another three-crew team will fly with the Shenzhou XIII to the module to stay there for six months.
In 2022, two large space labs will be launched to connect with the core module. Moreover, two manned missions and two robotic cargo flights will be made that year to continue construction of the Tiangong station, which is scheduled to become complete and start formal operation around the end of 2022.
饭圈 fans group
The Cyberspace Administration of China kicked off a two-month nationwide campaign this month to purify the online environment after it found that some netizens had lured youngsters to spend large amounts of money on stars, flaunt their wealth or become involved in mudslinging exchanges with fans of rival performers.
“饭圈”是粉丝圈子的简称,指粉丝群体(fans group),这里的“饭”=“粉丝”,由英文单词fans音译而来。
这里的mudsling指“Make malicious or scandalous allegations about an opponent with the aim of damaging their reputation”,即“恶意指责或诽谤对手,以达到破坏其名誉的目的”,相当于中文里的“抹黑、诽谤”等意思,跟slander、smear意思相近。
Luring youngsters to spend large amounts of money supporting and voting for their idols in order to boost their popularity;
Trolling, slandering, mudslinging, cyber hunting, and other forms of privacy infringement;
Inciting fans to flaunt wealth or indulge in luxury;
Organizing fans, hiring paid posters or manipulating multiple social media acounts to slander or support stars by posting or deleting online comments;
Influencing public opinions through newsjacking or hyping, disturbing public communications.
Sina Weibo, a Twitter-like platform, has banned netizens from using words such as gossip or onlooker in their nicknames when registering web accounts and has also increased supervision of posts involving entertainment idols.
Statistics provided by the platform showed that more than 3,700 pieces of information involving arguments between followers of different celebrities were eliminated from June 4 to 11, and 13 accounts were prohibited from posting for 30 days due to improper behavior.
Douban, a popular site that features reviews of movies and television series, said its major focus is combating those who lure youngsters to raise money to support idols.
中央网信办有关负责人表示,专项行动将强化明星经纪公司、粉丝团规范管理,在引导青少年理性追星(follow celebrities in a rational manner)上协同发力,探索形成规范“饭圈”管理的长效工作机制(a long-term mechanism to regulate the activities of fans groups),推动“饭圈”文化实现良性发展,共同营造文明健康的网上精神家园。
建党百年纪念币 commemorative coins to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China
中国人民银行定于6月21日起陆续发行中国共产党成立100周年纪念币一套(a set of commemorative coins to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China)。

The set has 9 coins, including three in gold, five in silver, and one copper-alloy coin, and all the commemorative coins are the nation's legal tenders, according to the People's Bank of China.
“纪念币”用英文commemorative coins 表示,是一个国家为纪念国际或本国的政治、历史、文化等方面的重大事件、杰出人物、 名胜古迹、珍稀动植物、体育赛事等而发行的纪念硬币,一般为精制,限量发行。Commemorative表示“纪念性的”,如纪念柱(commemorative column)、纪念邮票(commemorative stamp)、纪念封(commemorative cover)等。
The special commemorative coins are designed for the centenary of the CPC, with the highest specification and the largest number of various types in a set, compared with previously issued coins of similar commemorative themes.
Centenary读作[sen'tenəri],可以用作形容词或名词表示“the hundredth anniversary of a significant event”(某个重大事件一百周年纪念),比如时政报道中经常提到的“两个一百年”奋斗目标就是Two Centenary Goals,具体来说就是在中国共产党成立100年时全面建成小康社会(complete a moderately prosperous society in all respects by the centenary of the CPC),在新中国成立100年时把我国建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国(develop China into a great modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the centenary of the PRC)。
据介绍,纪念币图案既有代表中国共产党成立的上海中共一大会址(the site of the first CPC National Congress in Shanghai)、浙江嘉兴南湖红船(the red boat on Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang),又有中国天眼(FAST)、高铁(high-speed railways)等具有代表性的国家最新成就和象征未来发展的元素,还有展现百年光辉历程的群雕、漆壁画等。