中国日报网 2021-07-01 09:23

航天食品 space food
There are more than 120 kinds of food and beverages inside the core module, named Tianhe, or Harmony of Heavens. These carefully selected food and beverages are nutritionally balanced, taste good and can be kept for a long time.
虽然“太空食堂”的食品种类多,但每种都是严格按照航天食品(space food)标准条件研制生产的。
首先,航天食品要求营养丰富且均衡(nutritionally balanced)。
第二,要求“一口吃”(in bite size)。最好是固态、无骨、小块且全部可食的(in small solid cubes and boneless),不能有残渣(no crumbs),不能留下太多难以处理的餐余垃圾(no food residue)。
第三,必须尽量保证航天员的食欲(have a good appetite)。
The food and beverages have been divided into weekly breakfast, lunch and supper menus, and the menus were made based on personal flavor preferences gathered through a survey before the astronauts set out on their mission.
Sources with knowledge of the survey said that astronauts in the Shenzhou XII mission and crews for the next three spaceflights were invited to taste hundreds of specially prepared foods and beverages and then score them.
According to the survey, most Chinese astronauts have a preference for Sichuan-style spicy food. In addition, compared with sweet-and-sour sauces, spicy sauces are always the first to be used up, the sources said.
碳排放交易 carbon emission trading
The Shanghai Environment and Energy Exchange will be responsible for opening accounts and the operation of the national carbon emission trading system, according to the announcement.
碳排放交易(carbon emission trading),是指《京都议定书(the Kyoto Protocol)》为促进全球温室气体减排(reduce greenhouse gas emissions),以国际公法作为依据的温室气体排放减量交易。这种交易以每吨二氧化碳当量为计算单位,所以通称为“碳交易(carbon exchange)”,其交易市场称为碳市(carbon market)。
建立这种机制的目的在于减少碳排放(carbon emissions),降低能耗(energy consumption)以及碳浓度(carbon intensity)。碳交易机制遵循的是“总量控制和交易原则”(cap-and-trade rules),各地依照其空气质量改善目标为企业配给排放权额度(carbon emission quota),并规范其逐年应削减的排放量比例、达成的目标年等,企业取得排放权额度后,便可根据自身减排情况购买或出售配额。
Based on Chinese emissions allowances, a standard set by the State Council in late 2017, the national carbon trading system allows trading modes including listing trading by agreement, bulk trading by agreement and one-way bidding.
The transaction price for listing trading will be able to fluctuate by a maximum of 10 percent according to the closing price on the previous trading day, with the minimum declaration amount for bulk trading set at 100,000 metric tons of carbon dioxide and the fluctuation range of the transaction price set at 30 percent.
Market entities applying for one-way bidding can purchase emission allowances from counterparts, with the bidding information released by the exchange.
火星车 Mars rover
The clips recorded the Tianwen 1's landing rover deploying its parachute and descending to the Martian surface, and its Mars rover Zhurong driving away from its landing platform and moving over the surface of Mars.
2020年4月24日,国家航天局公布:中国行星探测任务(planetary exploration missions)被命名为“天问(Tianwen)系列”,首次火星探测任务(first Mars exploration mission)被命名为“天问一号”,后续行星任务依次编号。“天问”来自中国伟大诗人屈原的长诗《天问》。“天问”这个名字表达了中华民族对于真理追求的坚韧与执着(the Chinese nation's perseverance in pursuing truth),体现了对自然和宇宙空间探索的文化传承(culture of exploring nature and the universe)。
The ambient sound during the process of Zhurong's rolling onto the Martian surface was also published, enabling people to hear the first sounds transmitted from the Chinese robot.
The images include the Martian landscape and the ruts left behind by the rover.
Zhurong is the god of fire in ancient Chinese mythology. Literally, Zhu (meaning wish) expresses the good wishes for humankind's exploration of the universe. Rong (meaning integration and cooperation) reflects China's vision of the peaceful use of space and the building of a community with a shared future for humanity.
Fire brought warmth and brightness to the ancestors of humankind, and fire lit up human civilization. The naming is intended to represent the rover's symbolic task to ignite the hope of China's inter-planetary exploration, encourage humanity's relentless adventure into the immense universe, and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence
With an expected life span of three months, the 240-kilogram Zhurong is tasked with surveying Mars' landforms, geological structures, soil characteristics, potential locations of water and ice, and atmospheric and environmental characteristics, as well as magnetic and gravitational fields and other physical properties.
As of the morning of June 27, the orbiter of the Tianwen-1 mission has been operating around Mars for 338 days, and its Earth-Mars distance is approximately 360 million km. The Mars rover Zhurong has been working on Mars for 42 Martian days and has driven a total of 236 meters.
火星日(Martian day)平均为 24 小时 39 分 35.244 秒,或 1.027 地球日。火星公转周期(the revolution period of Mars)为 1.88 地球年,687 地球日,或 668.6 火星日。
Zhurong will continue its movement, detection, and scientific exploration missions as planned.
The orbiter will continue to operate in a relay orbit, providing relay communication for the rover's scientific exploration while conducting its own scientific detection operations.
七一勋章 July 1 Medal
Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, presented the July 1 Medal to 29 outstanding CPC members.

The July 1 Medal, established by the CPC Central Committee, is the highest honor in the Party.
“七一勋章”是以朴素、庄重为主要设计理念,以红色、金色、白色为主色调(with red, gold and white as its main colors),使用冷压成型、花丝镶嵌、彩丝织锦等工艺制作。章体采用党徽(the Party emblem)、五角星(the five-pointed star)、旗帜(flags)、丰碑与光芒、向日葵(sunflowers)、大山大河(mountains and rivers)、如意祥云等元素。
“七一勋章”使用织物绶带( attached to a fabric ribbon),采用向日葵、光芒、星光等元素(elements such as sunflowers, rays of light and starlight)。寓意在党的阳光沐浴下,勋章获得者一心向党,全心全意为人民服务,不忘初心、牢记使命、砥砺前行。
The recipients included teachers, soldiers, community workers and professionals in the arts and science.
- The CPC has written a splendid chapter in the history of the Chinese nation's development and that of humanity's progress over the past century.
- Generations of Chinese Communists have fought tenaciously for national independence and liberation, for prosperity and strength of the country, and for the happiness of the people.
Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the Chinese Communists' quality and spirit of maintaining staunch faith, which is to stay true to the original aspiration and dedicate everything, even the precious life, to the cause of the Party and people.
- Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the fundamental tenet of Chinese Communists, which is putting the people at the very center of their hearts, and wholeheartedly serving the people.
- Recipients of the July 1 Medal embody the fighting and dedication spirit of Chinese Communists, who make dedicating themselves to the Party and the country and fulfilling their duties a lifelong pursuit.
- The July 1 Medal recipients embody the Chinese Communists' integrity and devotion. Such quality and spirit represent the glorious CPC traditions of hard work and plain living, as well as putting public interests above personal interests.
- July 1 Medal recipients are heroes coming from and deeply rooted in the people. The recipients are ordinary heroes that fulfill their duties and make quiet contributions. Their deeds can be followed and their spirit can be pursued.
- CPC members and officials should boldly advance toward the second centenary goal of fully building a modern socialist country, as well as the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
高校学生资助热线电话 hotlines for inquiries on college financial-aid programs
6月29日,教育部开通2021年高校学生资助热线电话(hotlines for inquiries on college financial-aid programs),电话号码为010-66097980、010-66096590。
This marks the 17th year in a row that the Ministry of Education has opened such hotlines for inquiries and complaints regarding the country's financial-aid policies for college students.
目前,国家已经建立了覆盖各教育阶段、各级各类学校、所有家庭经济困难学生的资助政策体系(a financial assistance system covering all students from disadvantaged backgrounds at all levels of education)。在高等教育阶段,国家奖学金(national scholarship)、国家励志奖学金(national endeavor scholarship)、国家助学金(national grant)、国家助学贷款(national student loans)、新生入学资助(tuition assistance for freshmen)、勤工助学(part-time jobs for students)、学费减免(tuition reduction or exemption)、补偿代偿、“绿色通道”等多种资助方式并举,确保高校家庭经济困难学生顺利入学并完成学业。
In addition to daily operations from 8 am to 8 pm during the summer vacation, as in previous years, this year will see extended hotline operations on working days throughout the year starting from Sept 16, the ministry said.
Education authorities and universities across the country are also required to open hotlines to provide information on financial aid.
Scammers normally search for targets around school opening days. The ministry urged students to stay vigilant against frauds of any kind and get information on financial aid from education authorities and colleges in order to avoid losses.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)