中国日报网 2021-09-01 10:00

教师轮岗 rotation program for teachers
Primary and middle school teachers in Beijing's public school system will be required to take part in rotation programs to further improve education equity and quality in the city.
这里的rotation来自于动词rotate,表示“旋转;轮换、轮流”等意思,比如:The Earth rotates on its axis(地球绕着地轴旋转),rotate crops/crop rotation(农作物轮作), Rotating Presidency of UN Security Council(联合国安理会轮值主席国)等,在rotation program里,rotation主要强调“the act of different people doing the same job at different times”(在不同时间段由不同的人从事同一个岗位的工作),也就是我们这里说的“轮岗”。
Teachers and principals who have worked at the same school for more than six years will be asked to shift to another school and share their knowledge and experience with new colleagues and students. Educators who are more than five years away from retirement are eligible for the program.
The rotation programs will be carried out in different ways based on participants' positions in which principals will rotate within the district, outstanding teachers equally distributed, and average teachers rotate on assigned jobs.
Districts with weak teaching talent can get better support via methods such as dual-teacher classes during the program.
The new policy provides incentives for qualified educators to move, such as higher pay and rotation participation being taken into account when promotion is considered.
Education authorities in Dongcheng district said all eligible teachers in the district would take part in rotations over the next three years. Officials in Miyun district have also announced that they have arranged for 50 educators to take part in rotations this year.
全国国土调查 national land resource survey
China now has a total area of 23.46 million hectares of wetlands, of which mangrove forests account for 27,100, according to the third national land resource survey.
第三次全国国土调查(the third national land resource survey)以2019年12月31日为标准时点,全面查清了全国国土利用状况,建立了覆盖国家、省、地、县四级的国土调查数据库。全面掌握了耕地(farmland)、园地(garden land)、林地(forest)、草地(grassland)、湿地(wetland)、城镇村及工矿用地(land for urban, rural, industrial and mining activities)、交通运输用地(land used for transport system)、水域及水利设施用地(land used for water and water conservancy facilities)等全国主要地类数据。其中,湿地是第三次全国国土调查新增的一级地类。
Forest area in China surged from 253.95 million hectares in 2009 to the current 284.12 million hectares.
During the period, farmland area witnessed a slight drop from 135.38 million hectares to 127.86 million hectares.
It mainly resulted from structural adjustments in the agriculture industry and the country's greening project.
The decline of farmland will not bring any effect to the country's food security, as the current area of farmland is safely above the 124-million-hectare line set for cultivated land.
东京残奥会 2020 Tokyo Paralympics
China's Paralympians continued their gold rush at Tokyo 2020, pocketing 16 more golds on Sunday and keeping the country atop the medal standings with 46 golds and 104 medals in total.
Pocket这个词我们最熟悉的用法是衣服的“口袋,兜”,coat pocket,如果说someone has a deep pocket,我们就可以理解为“某人很有钱”,当然,我们也可以说a corporation with deep pockets(某个集团资金实力雄厚)。但是在本文的语境中,pocket用作动词,表示to put in one's pocket,即“收入囊中”,比如:pocket the change(把找零装在兜里)。此外,我们还可以用wrap,bag等词来表示将金牌“收入囊中”这个说法。比如:China bagged women's gymnastics all-around gold and silver at the Asian Games.(中国队包揽了亚运会女子体操全能项目的金银牌)。

In a re-swim of the women's 50m freestyle S11 swimming final on Sunday night, China's Ma Jia took gold and set a new world record of 29.20 seconds. Compatriot Li Guizhi took silver.
"We were a little surprised that night when we were told of a re-swim," said Ma. "But I don't think there was a lot of pressure. It's just another race, just put your all into it."
The re-swim came after a statement by International Paralympic Committee spokesman Craig Spence, who said that there had been an appeal after Friday's race, during which "the Chinese athlete in lane five [Li Guizhi] and the Dutch athlete in lane six [Liesette Bruinsma] unintentionally came into contact with each other."
Following a review by the jury of appeal, it was decided that the race should be re-swum.
During the women's singles class 8 table tennis final, China's Mao Jingdian won 3-1 against her teammate Huang Wenjuan, dominating the event with her third straight gold medals.
On the tennis court, Chinese athletes pocketed five of the eight golds up for grabs on Sunday.
In the women's 200m T35 final, Chinese sprinter Zhou Xia backed up her 100m victory by winning gold in a world record time of 27.17 seconds.
网络游戏 online games
近日,国家新闻出版署下发《关于进一步严格管理 切实防止未成年人沉迷网络游戏的通知》,针对未成年人过度使用甚至沉迷网络游戏问题,进一步严格管理措施。
The notice requires online game companies to allow minors to play only from 8 pm to 9 pm on Fridays, weekends and official holidays, with no access permitted at other times.
Minor这个词用法很多,可以用作动词、名词和形容词。在法律上,minor指未满18岁的人,即“未成年人”。在学校里,minor可以指“辅修(课程)”或者“辅修生”,与major(专业)相对,比如,I'm minoring in computer science./Computer science is my minor.(我辅修计算机科学。)用作形容词的时候,minor也是与major相对的,表示“次要的、轻微的、小的”,比如,She played a number of minor roles in films.(她在电影里扮演过一些小角色。)
Underage和minor都表示“未成年”,二者的区别在于,underage是形容词,表示“is legally too young to do something”,也就是“未到法定年龄的”,比如:underage youth(未成年人)、underage drinking(未成年人饮酒行为)等;而minor是名词,与adult相对,大家应该都很熟悉了,比如:cigarette sales to minors are not allowed(禁止向未成年人销售香烟)。
Online game companies could provide no more than one and a half hours of service to minors on ordinary days, with the limit set at no more than three hours on official holidays.
Allowing less time for online games will help guide minors to physical exercise and social activities that are better for study and health, the administration said.
We leave some time for minors to play online games because some teachers and parents said that they understand and accept minors' moderate exposure to the games, especially healthy ones including sports games, programming and chess.
It also urged the strict implementation of real-name registration and logins, saying that online game providers must not provide any form of game service to users who fail to register and log in using their real identifications.
Press and publication administrations at all levels have been asked to supervise the implementation of related measures and deal with companies that fail to put measures in place.
Internet product and service providers shall not offer minors with products and services that induce addiction, says the revision.
Providers of online services, including game, livestream, audio and video, and social media, shall set up corresponding functions such as time limit, authorization and consumption limit for minors, according to the revision.
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)