习近平:坚定不移走中国特色社会主义法治道路 更好推进中国特色社会主义法治体系建设
新华网 2021-12-08 09:12


Acknowledging the historical achievements in building the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, Xi stressed that China has embarked on a new journey, which creates new and higher demands for rule of law.
The system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics should be advanced comprehensively, Xi said, adding that efforts should be made to adhere to the correct direction in building the legal system, uphold the Party's leadership and the socialist system with Chinese characteristics, and implement the Chinese socialist rule of law theory.
Stressing the commitment to a people-centered approach, Xi said that the requirements of representing the people's interests, reflecting their wishes, protecting their rights, and furthering their wellbeing should be integrated into the whole process of building the legal system.
Xi called for further efforts to promote the legislative work in key areas including national security, scientific and technological innovation, public health, biosafety and biosecurity, ecological conservation and risk prevention, and focus on the key task of raising the quality of legislation.
Calling for improving the mechanism to ensure that everyone is equal before the law, Xi said that all acts violating the Constitution or other laws must be held accountable.
Xi also required stepping up the oversight of the legislative, law-enforcement, supervisory, and judicial powers and improving the training of legal practitioners.
Xi urged continuous efforts to crack down on corruption in law enforcement and judicial fields in accordance with the law, combat organized crime and root out local criminal gangs on an ongoing basis.
Stressing enhancing the legislation in areas related to foreign affairs, Xi called for promoting the development of the system of laws for extraterritorial application.
Expanding cooperation in law enforcement and judicial work should be incorporated into the agenda of bilateral and multilateral relations, in order to improve the efficiency of foreign-related law enforcement and judicial work, and resolutely safeguard China's sovereignty, security, and development interests, Xi said.
He highlighted the necessity of advancing the development of the discipline system, academic system, and discourse system of legal science with Chinese characteristics. He also called for stepping up political guidance for lawyers.
Calling for progress in ensuring the law is observed by everyone, Xi stressed guiding the general public to consciously abide by the law, turn to the law when they need assistance, and rely on the law to solve their problems.