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Yes Man《好好先生》精讲之四
[ 2009-11-10 11:31 ]





Carl (talks to himself): Hey, Carl. Do you wanna give all your money away to a homeless guy? Yes, yes, I do. How about letting him burn out your phone battery so you can't call AAA when you run out of gas? You know what? That sounds like a fucking great idea!!! Why don't you take a late-night stroll through the hills and get killed by the Manson family? Don't mind if I do. Come on, man. Yes. Since that's my only fucking option. Would you like to carry a 20-pound container of gas up a giant hill to your car? Oh, could I? Could I really?

Allison: (takes a picture of Carl) That's a good look.

Carl: Oh. Hi. Did you just take my picture?

Allison: Maybe. Did you just run out of gas?

Carl: Maybe.

Allison: That sucks. That happened to me last week.

Carl: When you were driving ridiculously far out of your way to drop off a homeless guy who wore out your phone battery so you couldn't call AAA?

Allison: Er...No. I take it that's what happened to you.

Carl: No. Why would you assume that?

Allison: He used up your phone?

Carl: Yeah. Apparently he was the most popular homeless man on the planet. He was staying connected. It was good to see. I'm just glad that I could be a part of it, really.

Allison: That must feel good.

Carl: Oh, truly, truly. Yeah. And I'm getting some exercise, which is cool.

Allison: Well, do you need a ride?

Carl: On that thing?

Yes Man《好好先生》精讲之四

Allison: Am I going too fast for you?

Carl: No. In fact, I think you should go faster. That way if we crash, at least I'll die. I just don't wanna be kept alive artificially. What are you doing?

Allison: I'm taking a picture. Smile.

Carl: I can't see. I'm blind.

Allison: Me too. Isn't it great? Whoo!

Carl: Yeah, that's getting it good. Yep. Well, thanks again for the ride.

Allison: No problem. Hopefully the color will return to your face sometime soon.

Carl: I'm more of a four-wheel kind of guy.

Allison: Really? I never would've guessed that. You seemed so at ease on two. Can I have my helmet back now?

Carl: I'm still wearing it, aren't I?

Allison: Yeah.

Carl: Thanks.

Allison: So you okay?

Carl: Yeah, I'm good, unless you wanna stick around and make out.

Allison: What?

Carl: What did you say? Hey, I-- (Allison kisses Carl)

Allison: Have a good night.

Carl: Yes.


1. burn out one's phone battery: 把电话电池用光。burn out有“耗尽,使耗尽”的意思。例如:

The soil burns out under constant heavy cropping.


burn out也有“(使)精疲力竭”的意思。请看例子:

You must not burn yourself out in a blaze of energy.


2. AAA: American Automobile Association 美国汽车协会

3. take a stroll: 散步,溜达,闲逛。stroll可以作名词用,例如:a short stroll before supper(晚饭前的短暂散步),也可以作动词用,例如:stroll along the beach(沿海滩漫步)。

4. out of one's way: 不在预期的路线(或轨道)上。影片中Carl指他特地开车送乞丐去他的目的地,而不是顺路搭载。

5. wear out: (使)耗尽。burn out/wear out battery都是“把电池用光”的意思。看一下例子:My patience wore out/was worn out at last.(我最后失去了耐心。)

wear out还有“(使)疲乏,(使)厌倦;慢慢毁掉”的意思。请看例子:

He is worn out with domestic worry.(他被家里的烦恼事弄得疲惫不堪。)

What with his drinking and what with his jealousy, he wore himself out.


wear out也可以表示“消磨,打发(时间)”,例如:wear out idle days(闲度时日)。

6. be kept alive artificially: Carl的意思是说如果出车祸的话,他宁愿当场死亡,也不愿意落得个半死不活。

7. I'm more of four-wheel kind of guy: 我更习惯坐汽车出行。more of的意思是“更大程度上的……”,看一下例子:He is more of a poet than a musician.(与其说他是个音乐家还不如说他是个诗人。)

8. at ease: 自在,不拘束。请看例子:

He was never at his ease with Frank.(他跟弗兰克在一起总是感到很不自在。)

9. stick around: 逗留,留下。看一下例子:

I ought to stick around if you are going to be out.


stick around还有“呆在附近,等在旁边”的意思。例如:

Stick around for a while, he will soon be back.(请等一会儿,他马上就会回来。)

10. make out: <俚> 亲吻爱抚。影片中Carl一不小心脱口说出了他下意识的想法。



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