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Yes Man《好好先生》精讲之一
[ 2009-11-02 12:35 ]







Carl: No. No means no. Bonjour.

Carl, I know it's you.

Carl: Oh. Hey, man. I was just about to call you. That's so weird. Had your number dialed, was about to press “send”. Did you block your number?

Peter: Yeah, I did. You never answer when I don't. So, what are you doing?

Carl: Oh, just hanging out in my apartment.

Peter: You did get my text, right?

Carl: What? Text? What?

Peter: We're all going out tonight.

Carl: Man, that sounds great. I wish I could join you. I'm just so jammed up. I'm totally off the grid, you know?

Peter: No, I don't at all.

Carl: I got a bunch of stuff going on. There's this thing I gotta do. Any other night would've been great. Darn it to heck.

Peter: Thing? What thing?

Carl: Thing, you know, just a thing. If I had my thing in front of me, I could tell you what it is...but I know there's a thing.

Peter: A thing. I don't think there's anything written down in your fake calendar.

Carl: No, it says specific things.

Yes Man《好好先生》精讲之一

Peter: Specific things. Like "get in line at the video store "?

Carl: What? What are you talking about? I'm not at the video store. I'm in my apartment.

Peter: I can see you, Carl. I'm outside the video store.

Carl: That's not me.

Peter: It's not?

Carl: Oh, I know what's happening. There is this guy who looks just like me...who goes to a lot of the same stores I do. That's probably who you're seeing.

Peter: Wow, that's amazing...because his mouth is movingin exact sync with what you're saying. Carl, I know you're not saying anything. Carl, get outside. I know you're not talking.

Carl: What?

Peter: Carl.

Carl: All right.


Peter: Look who's here.

Carl: Hey. You.

Lucy: Hi.

Rooney: I don't believe it.

Carl: Rooney.

Rooney: Carl Allen. Never thought I'd see the day, my man.

Carl: Hey.

Rooney: Thought you hung up the spurs, cowboy.

Carl: No, I just got a lot of stuff going on...some things I gotta do, issues pending, keep me pretty busy.

Rooney: Yeah? Oh, I hear you, player.

Peter: So we are really excited for you to be here, Carl...because we have an announcement to make. Honey, show him. Oops, there it is. Deal with it.

Lucy: We're engaged.

Carl: Oh, my God. Come on.

Peter: Right?

Carl: Big step, huh?

Peter: Yeah, it's a big step. It's a huge one.

Carl: Man. Moving fast. That's okay. What has it been, six months?

Peter: No.

Lucy: Two years.

Carl: Oh, yeah. That's about right, then.

Peter: So anyway, we're gonna have an engagement party on the 21st.Open bar.

Rooney: Oh, you bastard. Always knows how to get me.

Peter: Nice. Carl, does that work for you?

Carl: Yeah, we'll figure it out.

Peter: What's there to figure out?

Carl: Oh, God, look who's here.

Peter: I'm not falling for that, Carl. What's to figure out?

Rooney: Carl, it’s an open bar. What's the problem?

Carl: I'm serious. Stephanie's at the bar.

Lucy: The Stephanie?

Carl: Yes, my ex-wife. She's at the bar.

Peter: Oh, God, that is Stephanie.

Rooney: Looks like she's with someone there too.

Carl: They seem to be thriving. Good, Good for her. Oh, look, they're touching each other's genitals. Isn't that amazing? I'm so glad I came out. Love it. Okay, you know what? I gotta go.

Peter: No.

Carl: What?

Peter: No. No. Carl, you're gonna stay. It's been three years. You can’t leave every time she comes around.

Carl: Totally unrelated. It has nothing to do with Stephanie...

Stephanie: Carl. Peter. Rooney.

Carl: Stephanie, guys.

Peter: Hey.

妙语佳句 活学活用

1. Bonjour: 法语,“你好”。

2. Did you block your number: 你把来电号码屏蔽了?Peter故意这样做,因为他知道如果Carl看见是自己的手机号,他肯定不会接电话。

3. hang out: 闲荡,闲呆着。例如:

do a lot of hanging out in barrooms(常上酒吧泡着)

hang out还有“居住,住宿,经常出没” 的意思。例如:

Do you know where he hangs out?(你知道他住在什么地方?)

4. jammed up: 表示因为压力而感到焦虑和紧张。请看例子:

The stress of this golf tournament has Keith all jammed up.


5. off the grid: 没有上社交网(例如facebook之类)。影片中Carl指他忙得都没时间和朋友交流了。

6. Darn it to heck: 真见鬼,该死!darn的意思是“该死”,是damn一词的委婉表达。heck则是hell的委婉表达,在感叹句中加强语气,表示诅咒、恼怒、厌烦等,可翻译为“真见鬼”。

7. in exact sync with: 与……完全同步。in sync表示“同步的,协调的”。反之,out of sync就是“不同步的,不协调的”。看一下例子:

There was something out of sync with him.(他有点儿别扭。)

8. hung up the spurs: 罢手不干,引退。Rooney因为已经很久没在酒吧看见Carl了,还以为他戒了酒,在家修身养性。

9. pending: 悬而未决的。例如:a pending lawsuit(未判决诉讼案件)。pending还表示“行将发生的,迫近的”。例如:a pending civil strife(即将发生的内乱)。

10. open bar: (婚礼、招待会等的)免费酒柜、酒吧间。

11. fall for: 受……的骗,上……的当,对……信以为真。Peter还以为Carl为了避开当前话题而编谎话。看一下例子:We must not fall for such nonsense.(我们决不能听信这种胡言乱语。)

fall for还有“对……倾心,迷恋”的意思。请看例子:

Dick fell for baseball when he was a little boy. 当迪克还是小孩时就迷上棒球了。

She fell for him at first sight. 她对他一见钟情。



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