精彩对白:Yeah, Abby's probably telling him about the animals. Even as a baby, she was completely fascinated with them.
FBI 美国联邦调查局
美国联邦调查局(Federal Bureau of Investigation,简称FBI)于1908年成立,原名司法部调查局,1924年改为现名。它原是美国司法部下属的主要为执法收集情报的部门。近年来权力有所扩大,主要负责美国国内的反间谍和重大刑事案件侦破工作。
2002年5月30日,美国政府宣布取消对联邦调查局原定的一些限制,扩大这个机构在国内调查和监视公众的权力,以进一步防范和打击恐怖活动。根据政府新的授权,联邦调查 局特工以后可以对国内任何因特网站、图书馆、教堂、公众集会甚至政治组织进行监视。同时,联邦调查局在国内的各分支机构可以不必经过总部同意就启动有关调查程序。

联邦调查局局长由总统任命,并经参议院批准,任期10年。联邦调查局主要职责包括同犯罪团伙、恐怖活动和外国间谍作斗争。协助各州和地方警察确认和追踪州与州之间的逃犯,发布有关最严重的通缉犯的消息,并提供寻找罪犯方面的训练和研究。该局总部设在华盛顿,下设10个由助理局长担任领导的职能部门,分管鉴定、训练、刑事调查、技术服务等工作,并在全国59个城市设立外勤办事处及从属于它们的400多个“地方分局”,还有分布在世界22个国家的驻外机构,执行总部分配的任务。该局有工作人员2万多名,其中8600多人是外勤人员。每年的预算为23亿美元。该局建有刑事犯罪 “科学实验室”、“中央指纹档案馆”和专门训练高级特工人员和警察的“学院”。
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is an agency of the United States Department of Justice that serves as both a federal criminal investigative body and an internal intelligence agency. The FBI has investigative jurisdiction over violations of more than 200 categories of federal crime. Its motto is "Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity", corresponding to the FBI initials.
The FBI's headquarters, the J. Edgar Hoover Building, is located in Washington, D.C.. Fifty-six field offices are located in major cities throughout the United States as well as over 400 resident agencies in smaller cities and towns across the country. More than 50 international offices called "legal attachés" are in U.S. embassies worldwide.
In the fiscal year 2008, the FBI's total budget was approximately $6.8 billion, including $410 million in program increases to counter-terrorism, counter-intelligence, cybercrime, information technology, security, forensics, training, and criminal programs.
The FBI was established in 1908 as the Bureau of Investigation (BOI). Its name was changed to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in 1935.
The FBI's main goal is to protect and defend the United States against terrorist and foreign intelligence threats, to uphold and enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and to provide leadership and criminal justice services to federal, state, municipal, and international agencies and partners.
Knowing 《先知》精讲之二参考答案
1.I mean, have a listen to yourself.
2.I tried to fault it and I couldn't.
3.Okay, it's spooky, all right? I'll grant you.
4.I think that losing Allison has spun you off your axis a little
精彩对白:Yeah, Abby's probably telling him about the animals. Even as a baby, she was completely fascinated with them.
(中国日报网英语点津 编辑:Julie)