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Jackson movie to get mass worldwide premiere

[ 2009-09-22 13:52]     字号 [] [] []  
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以迈克尔•杰克逊生前演唱会排练视频为素材的电影《天王终点》将于10月28日在全球超过15个城市同步首映,并且限期公映两周。发行方索尼影业表示,洛杉矶会在当地时间10月27日举办大型红毯首映礼,而参加同步首映的纽约、里约热内卢、伦敦、柏林以及首尔等城市则会通过卫星传输技术同时看到各界明星参加洛杉矶首映礼的盛况。该片是由原本主办杰克逊伦敦告别演唱会的AEG Live公司将迈克尔•杰克逊生前彩排时侧录的数百小时影片,经过精选剪辑再配上幕后花絮制作而成的,索尼影业用6000万美元购得其发行权。




The Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- based on footage from concert rehearsals before his death in June -- will have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world next month

The Michael Jackson movie "This Is It" -- based on footage from concert rehearsals before his death in June -- will have simultaneous premieres in more than 15 cities around the world next month, the studio behind the film said on Monday.

"This Is It" opens to the general public on October 28 for a limited two-week run. While Hollywood movies often have several premieres around the world, they rarely happen at the same time.

But for "This Is It," more than 15 cities, including New York, Rio de Janeiro, London, Berlin and Seoul will host simultaneously premieres with a red carpet event in Los Angeles on October 27, said Sony Pictures, which paid $60 million for rights to the rehearsal footage. Names of the other premiere-night cities were not released.

The opening events will feature satellite transmissions of Hollywood stars arriving at the premiere in Los Angeles. London's premiere will happen after midnight local time on October 28, while Seoul's event is scheduled for the morning of that day.

In all, more than 25 cities worldwide will have premieres for the movie but not all will take place at the same time.

In the days before he died of an overdose of prescription drugs on June 25, Jackson was rehearsing for a comeback with 50 sold-out shows in London.

The $60 million movie deal was made between Jackson's estate and concert promoter AEG Live and Sony Pictures.

Based on proceeds from the movie, business deals and album sales that have arisen since Jackson's death, administrators of his estate expect to generate more than $200 million in revenue before the end of the year.

Sony Pictures is a division of Sony Co.




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