economic restructuring 经济转型/经济结构调整
complementary economic relations 互补的经济关系
as the second largest trade partner of the other 双方互为第二大贸易伙伴
economic development mode 经济发展模式
dumping 倾销
anti-dumping 反倾销
dumping abroad 海外倾销
a dumping field 海外倾销市场
export tax rebate/tax refund 出口退税
export quotas 出口配额
dependence of the Sino-American economy 中美经济关系的依存度
export dependence 出口依存度
ratio of dependence on foreign trade 外贸依存度

high-tech exports 高科技产品出口
exchange rate 汇率
exchange rate policy 汇率政策
rate fine-tuning 汇率“微调”
exchange rate system 汇率机制
a floating exchange rate system 浮动汇率机制
pegging the RMB to the US dollar 人民币盯住美元
rate hike 利率上调
rate cut 利率下调
forex reserve pool 外汇储备库
cross-border settlement 人民币跨境结算
appreciation of the RMB 人民币升值
depreciation/devaluation of the RMB 人民币贬值
exchange rate formation mechanism 汇率形成机制
foreign exchange spot market 外汇现货市场
hot money 热钱
trade war 贸易战
unfair competition 不正当竞争
trade deficit 贸易逆差
trade surplus 贸易顺差
trade imbalances 贸易失衡
market economy status 市场经济地位
dollar value 美元价值
global financial system 全球金融体系
subprime crisis 次贷危机
China-US Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade 中美商贸联合委员会
quantitative easing 定量宽松
inflationary pressure 通胀压力
credit squeeze 信贷紧缩
中美联合公报 China-US joint communique
(中国日报网英语点津 Julie)