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Some musical works are written from inspiration, some for money. Ignacy Jan Paderewski wrote his famous Minuet as a practical joke. An elderly doctor named Chalubinski had befriended the 26-year-old Paderewski, and often invited the young pianist to his house in Warsaw. The doctor and a writer friend invariably asked Paderewski to play something by Mozart. Paderewski got tired of playing nothing but Mozart and decided to put a stop to it. He went home and improvised a minuet in a vaguely Mozartean style. The next night he showed up at the doctor’s house eagerly awaiting the customary invitation to play Mozart. Sure enough , the golden moment soon came. “Won’t you play a little Mozart?” the doctor asked. Paderewski cheerfully agreed, sat down and played his minuet. “Oh, Mozart!” the doctor cried. “What a wonderful piece ! Tell me, Paderewski, is there any one now alive who could write such beautiful music?” Paderewski laughed at this unexpected bonus . “Yes, there is such a person,” he said. “I have written it.” At first the doctor and his friend were very annoyed at being tricked , and suddenly the Mozart concert was over for that night. But a few nights later they asked to hear genuine Mozart and then asked to hear the minuet again, and soon it became a regular part of the Mozart evenings. Before long Paderewski realized that the minuet could make him a popular composer, and very soon it did just that. |
有些音乐作品来自于灵感,有些作品是为了挣钱。伊格纳西•简•帕岱莱夫斯基创作他那著名的《小步舞曲》,却是为了一场恶作剧。 一个名叫恰卢宾斯基的老医生和26岁的帕岱莱夫斯基成了忘年交,他常常邀请这位年轻的钢琴家去他在华沙的家里做客。这个医生和一个作家朋友总是一成不变地让帕岱莱夫斯基演奏莫扎特的曲子。帕岱莱夫斯基对只能演奏莫扎特的曲子感到厌倦透了,于是他决定终止这种情况。他回家后即兴创作了一支隐约具有莫扎特风格的小步舞曲。第二天晚上,他出现在医生家里,热切地等待着演奏莫扎特曲子的例行邀请。果真,这个黄金时刻很快就到来了。 “你不弹点儿莫扎特的曲子吗?”医生问道。 帕岱莱夫斯基愉快地答应了,他坐下来弹奏他的小步舞曲。“噢!莫扎特!”医生大叫起来,“多美妙的一首曲子啊!快告诉我,帕岱莱夫斯基,现在活着的人里,还有谁能写出如此美妙的音乐呢?” 面对这个意外的夸奖,帕岱莱夫斯基笑了起来。“有啊,这儿就有一位呢,”他说。“这首曲子就是本人写的!” 刚开始,医生和他的朋友因被愚弄了一番而感到很恼火,那晚的莫扎特音乐会也由此嘎然而止了。但几个晚上后,他们要求听听地道的莫扎特音乐,然后又要求再听听这首《小步舞曲》。很快,这首曲子就成了“莫扎特之夜”的保留曲目。不久,帕岱莱夫斯基便意识到,这首《小步舞曲》会让他成为一位广受欢迎的作曲家,很快,曲子就实现了他的想法。 (来源:英语学习杂志) |
Vocabulary: 1. Ignacy Jan Paderewski: 伊格纳西•简•帕岱莱夫斯基 (1860—1941),波兰著名钢琴家、作曲家、政治家,总理兼外交部长。主要作品有歌剧《曼鲁》、钢琴曲《小步舞曲》等,擅长解释肖邦作品,曾主编《肖邦全集》;minuet: 小步舞曲;practical joke: 恶作剧。 2. invariably: 不变地,始终如一地。 3. improvise: 即兴创作(乐曲、诗歌等);vaguely: 含混的,模糊的。 4. customary: 习惯上的,惯常的。 5. sure enough: 果真,确实。 6. piece: 曲子。 7. bonus: 奖赏。 8. trick: 愚弄,作弄。 9. genuine: 真的,地道的。 10. before long: 很快。 |
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