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![]() Francesca Pascale with Silvio Berlusconi |
Silvio Berlusconi has sought to draw a line under his "bunga bunga" parties when he announced he was engaged to his girlfriend 50 years his junior, who makes him feel "less lonely". In a wide-ranging interview aired on the talk show 'Domenica Live' on his Canale 5 TV network, the 76-year-old billionaire said he was engaged to Francesca Pascale, his 27-year old girlfriend. "Finally I feel less lonely," Mr Berlusconi said. "I am engaged to a Neapolitan, it's official. "She is 27 years old, with very solid values, beautiful on the outside and even more beautiful on the inside. "She is very close to me, she loves me very much and I feel the same. My daughter Marina appreciates her and loves her very much too." Mr Berlusconi does not appear to have let his second marriage get in the way of his engagement announcement. He has five children from two marriages but is yet to reach agreement with Veronica Lario on the terms of their divorce. Recent media reports suggest no agreement has been reached on the settlement. His first wife was Carla Elvira Dall'Oglio, who he was married to from 1965 to 1985. He married Ms Lario in 1990. Mr Berlusconi plans to launch his fourth bid to be prime minister in elections expected to be held in February next year unless the current technocrat Prime Minister Mario Monti decides to run for office. The tycoon also used Sunday's interview to lash out at the Milan trial where he is fighting charges that he paid for sex with an under age prostitute, the then 17-year-old exotic dancer, Karima El-Mahroug, better known as "Ruby the Heart Stealer". Mr Berlusconi and she have denied the charges. Asked about the so-called 'bunga bunga' parties, he said: "It was a time when I felt very lonely. I had just got divorced, my sister had died. "Then someone said: 'Why don't we organise some soirées?' I was tricked." Mr Berlusconi's fiancée has said that her life revolves around three things – her family, politics, and him – and is said to be jealous of other women in his inner circle, including Mara Carfagna, a glamour model whom he appointed equal opportunities minister in his last government. (Agencies) |
西尔维奥•贝卢斯科尼决心和他的bunga bunga性爱派对说再见,日前他宣布他已经和比自己小50岁的女友订婚,他说这位小女友让他感到“不那么孤独”。 在他的第5频道电视台播出的脱口秀节目Domenica Live上,这位76岁的亿万富翁在一个内容广泛的访谈中说他已经和27岁的女友弗朗西斯卡•帕斯卡尔订婚。 贝卢斯科尼说:“我终于感觉到不那么孤独。我和一个那不勒斯人订婚了,这是正式订婚。 “她今年27岁,有着稳固的价值观,外表很美丽,而内心更美丽。 “她和我很亲近,她非常爱我,我也非常爱她。我的女儿玛丽娜很欣赏她,也很喜欢她。” 贝卢斯科尼似乎没让他的第二段婚姻阻碍他宣布订婚的决定。 他在前两段婚姻中有了五个孩子,但是还没有和第二任妻子韦罗妮卡•拉里奥达成离婚协议。最近的媒体报道显示两人还未在离婚协议上达成一致。他的第一任妻子是卡拉•爱薇拉•达洛利奥,他们的婚姻关系从1965年持续到1985年。贝卢斯科尼在1990年和拉里奥结婚。 贝卢斯科尼计划第四次竞选总理,参加明年二月份举行的大选,除非现任的专家治国论总理马里奥•蒙蒂决定参加竞选。 这位大亨还利用周日的访谈猛烈抨击米兰法院的审判,该法院指控他与未成年妓女进行钱色交易,这位当时只有17岁的色情舞娘卡莉玛•艾尔•马罗格以“偷心鲁比”的艺名闻名。 贝卢斯科尼和她已经否认了这些指控。 在被问及所谓的bunga bunga性爱派对时,他说道:“那是我感到十分孤独的一段时光。我刚刚离婚,我妹妹去世了。 “这时候有人说:‘我们干嘛不组织一些派对活动呢?’我就上套了。” 贝卢斯科尼的未婚妻说,她的生活围绕着三个事物——她的家庭、政治和他,而且据说她嫉妒其他在贝卢斯科尼内部圈子里的女人,包括玛拉•卡尔法尼亚——贝卢斯科尼任命其担任他最后一届政府的机会平等部部长,曾经是个魅力四射的模特儿。 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 陈丹妮 编辑:Julie) |
Vocabulary: bunga bunga: 意大利总理贝卢斯科尼参与的一种性爱派对 soirées: 派对 |
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