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Of the 20 children killed Friday in the Newtown, Conn., school, eight were boys and 12 were girls. |
The lone survivor of one of the two Sandy Hook Elementary School first-grade classrooms where Adam Lanza allegedly shot and killed 20 children tricked the gunman by playing dead, the girl’s pastor said. “She ran out of the school building covered from head to toe with blood and the first thing she said to her mom was, ‘Mommy, I’m OK but all my friends are dead,’” Pastor Jim Solomon told ABC News’ Lara Spencer this weekend. “Somehow, in that moment, by God’s grace, [she] was able to act as she was already deceased,” he said. The girl, a 6-year-old whose name is not being released for privacy reasons, was the first student to emerge from the lockdown at Sandy Hook, Solomon said. He said the young girl described the shooter to her mom in a way that only a young child can. “Well, she saw someone who she felt was angry and someone she felt was very mad,” Solomon said. “I think it’s impossible outside of divine intervention. She has wisdom beyond her years, for sure.” Of the 20 children killed Friday in the Newtown, Conn., school, eight were boys and 12 were girls. Six staff members, all female, were also killed. “The mom told me – and I thought this was very insightful – that she was suffering from what she felt was survivor’s guilt because so many of her friends no longer have their children but she has hers,” Solomon said. “I think as well as you can expect them to,” he said of how the girl’s mother and father are handling the trauma. “I don’t know that I would have the type of faith that they have if the same thing happened to me.” (Agencies)
在近日美国校园枪击惨案中,凶手亚当•兰扎在桑迪胡克小学的两个一年级班级中开枪射杀了20名学生。唯一的生还者是一名女孩。据她的牧师称,女孩装死蒙骗枪手,躲过了一劫。 “她跑出教学楼时,浑身上下全是血。她见到母亲后的第一件事就是安慰她,‘妈妈,我没事,但我的朋友都死了’”,牧师吉姆•索罗门本周接受美国广播公司新闻台记者劳拉-斯宾塞采访时说道。 他表示:“不管怎样,谢天谢地,在那个时候,她能通过装死保住性命”。 索罗门称,这个6岁大的女孩(出于保护个人隐私,名字未予公布)是第一个从桑迪胡克小学案发现场冲出来的。他表示小女孩在向母亲描述凶犯时的表现只有小孩子才有。 “她眼中是一个愤怒、发疯的人,”所罗门说道。“我想,没有神的帮忙,她不可能做到这一点。她的智慧远超她的年龄,这一点我深信不疑。” 在丧生的20名学生中,有8名男生,12名女生。另外还有6名女教职工遇难。这起枪击案上周五发生在康涅狄格州纽顿一所小学中。 “这位母亲告诉我——我认为这确实是很有见解的想法——她一直怀有作为幸存者的内疚感,因为她的许多朋友都失去了孩子,而她却没有”,牧师说道。 “我想你们也会觉得他们会有这种想法”,他提到女孩父母如何应对心理创伤时表示。“我不知道,如果同样的事发生在了自己的身上,我会不会也有这种信念。” 相关阅读 (中国日报网英语点津 Julie 编辑:陈丹妮)
Vocabulary: play dead: 装死 |
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