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Shanghai to launch mediation system for medical disputes

中国日报网 2014-02-21 10:18


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Shanghai will introduce a directive next month to help ease the increasingly tense relationship between patients and doctors, which has resulted in death or injury to medical staff in recent cases.

"The rule was formulated to prevent and settle doctor-patient disputes, which have become a big problem. It will help protect both parties' legal rights and maintain order in medical institutes," said Liu Ping, deputy director of the city’s legal department.

The Shanghai Medical Dispute Prevention and Mediation Measures feature a mediation mechanism, in which the parties can apply to a mediation committee. Public medical institutes must cooperate with the mediation work.

Meanwhile, medical institutes should inform patients to seek mediation when compensation exceeds 30,000 yuan ($4,900).

To improve patients' trust in the new procedure, an advisory team has been established to provide professional consultation for medical disputes.

So far, the team has 922 experts from the fields of medical science, law, forensic medicine, psychology and other areas.

"In the past, some patients questioned the justice of investigation work because many experts in charge were from the medical system, who might be partial. But now, the experts have various backgrounds in different fields. This will help build credibility," said Zhao Yong, deputy director of the Shanghai Health and Family Planning Commission.

Experts who may share an interest with either of the parties in a dispute should withdraw, according to the rule.

In recent years, a number of medical disputes that have escalated into attacks on medical staff members have been reported across the country.

The latest happened in Yixian, of Hebei province, on Tuesday, when a surgeon's throat was cut by a patient who was reportedly unsatisfied with his medical treatment.

The day before, a 45-year-old doctor in an ear, nose and throat department at a hospital in Qiqihar, Heilongjiang province, was beaten to death by a young patient. The 19-year-old broke into the doctor's office and hit him on the head with a steel pipe.

According to the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, the country has seen 16 violent attacks on medical staff, with many resulting in death and serious injury.

The increased violence has drawn widespread attention from the public, who have called for more effective solutions.

(中国日报网英语点津 Helen 编辑)

Shanghai to launch mediation system for medical disputes

About the broadcaster:

Shanghai to launch mediation system for medical disputes

Nelly Min is an editor at China Daily with more than 10 years of experience as a newspaper editor and photographer. She has worked at major newspapers in the U.S., including the Los Angeles Times and the Detroit Free Press. She is also fluent in Korean.

















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