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韩国总统文在寅和朝鲜国务委员会委员长金正恩27日在板门店举行会晤并签署《板门店宣言》。 新华社发(韩朝首脑会晤媒体报道团供图) |
South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Kim Jong Un, top leader of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), confirmed a common goal of complete denuclearization and agreed to push for multilateral talks to turn the current armistice agreement into a peace treaty after their first summit meeting in Panmunjom Friday.
双方在会晤后签署了《为实现半岛和平、繁荣和统一的板门店宣言(the Panmunjom Declaration for Peace, Prosperity and Unification of the Korean Peninsula)》。双方宣布,为在年内把朝鲜战争停战协定转换为和平协定(turn the armistice agreement into a peace treaty)、构建永久巩固的和平机制(establish a permanent, firm peace regime),将积极推动韩朝美三方会谈或韩朝美中四方会谈(push for talks, which would also involve China and the United States)。
宣言承诺,韩朝双方将全面停止“敌对行为”(completely cease all hostile acts against each other in every domain),加强交流合作,在开城设立南北共同联络事务所(establish a joint liaison office with resident representatives of both sides in the Gaeseong region)、举行离散家属会面(reunion programs for the separated familie)等活动。双方商定,文在寅将于今年秋天访朝。
We all saw the live-broadcast of this historic moment this morning when the DPRK and ROK leaders stepped across the military demarcation line at Panmunjom and shook hands. We applaud the historic step taken by the two leaders, commend their political resolve and courage in doing this, and sincerely hope that their meeting will achieve positive outcomes.
As a Chinese poem goes, "brotherhood will survive all vicissitudes, and a smile is all we need to dissolve old grudges". We hope that the historic summit at Panmunjom will be taken as an opportunity for all to embark on a new journey towards lasting peace and security on the Korean Peninsula.
停战协定 armistice agreement
朝鲜半岛无核化 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
军事分界线 military demarcation line(MDL)
非军事区 demilitarized zone
永久巩固的和平机制 a permanent, firm peace regime
(中国日报网英语点津 马文英)
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