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CHINADAILY手机报 2016-11-28 14:38


2. 海洋经济发展指数
ocean economic development index



China Ocean Economic Development Index, which refers to the comprehensive quantitative evaluation on China's ocean economy development in a certain period, rose to 119.9 in 2015, the National Marine Data and Information Service announced Thursday.

中国海洋经济发展指数(China Ocean Economic Development Index)体系包括发展水平、发展成效和发展潜力3个分项指数(include three subindices - development level, efficiency and potential),共29个指标(cover 29 indicators)。发展水平指数主要体现海洋经济发展的规模、结构、效益和开放水平(development scale, structure, benefits and openness of the ocean economy);发展成效指数主要体现海洋经济发展的稳定性和民生改善状况(development stability of the ocean economy and improvement of people's livelihoods);发展潜力指数主要体现海洋经济的创新驱动和资源环境承载能力(carrying capacity of resources and the environment)。

"十二五"期间(during the 12th Five-Year Plan period),在海洋强国建设和"21世纪海上丝绸之路"(the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road)等国家战略的指引下,我国海洋经济发展水平稳步提高、发展成效显著提升、发展潜力持续增强,海洋经济可持续发展(sustainable development)取得较大进展。我国海洋经济正逐步向质量效益型转变。一个突出表现是,具有物质资源消耗低(low consumption of material resources)、成长潜力大(great potential for growth)、综合效益好等特征的海洋新兴产业(emerging ocean industries),已成为拉动我国海洋经济发展的一匹"黑马"(dark horse)。


产业结构调整 industrial restructuring

海洋工程学 marine engineering

海洋旅游业 marine tourism industry

海洋资源开发 exploitation of marine resources

海洋生态保护 marine ecology conservation

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