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CHINADAILY手机报 2016-11-28 14:38


4. 5G商用
commercialization of 5G


The fifth generation (5G) of cellular networks may be put into commercial use as early as 2020. Industry analysts believe that the commercialization of 5G network will bolster the telecom industry and emerging sectors such as big data, cloud computing and artificial intelligence.

根据工信部(the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)、中国IMT-2020(5G)推进组(promotion group)的工作部署以及三大电信运营商(three major telecom operators)的5G商用计划,我国将于2017年展开5G网络第二阶段测试(second-phase testing),2018年进行大规模试验组网,并在此基础上于2019年启动5G网络建设(the construction of a 5G network will begin in 2019),最快在2020年正式商用5G网络(officially put 5G network into commercial use as early as 2020)。

根据目前的技术发展趋势,5G将形成全球统一融合的单一标准(a single unified global standard)。国内外厂商在5G领域的竞争也日趋激烈(increasingly fierce competition in 5G among manufacturers home and abroad),手机芯片制造商高通(mobile chip maker Qualcomm)正在加快5G手机芯片的研发,此前高通已公布全球首个5G基带(baseband)。今年年中,瑞典爱立信与韩国SK电信、德国电信等电信运营商合作开展了全球首例横贯大陆的5G测试(Sweden's Ericsson partnered with South Korea's SK Telecom, Germany's Deutsche Telekom and other telecom operators to deploy the world's first transcontinental 5G trial network)。诺基亚和上海贝尔也表示,已正式完成重要的5G技术开发和验证,目前正在根据用户需求,开发相应的5G网络解决方案。此外,上述电信设备制造商还推出了包括车联网(in-car networking)、无人机(drone/unmanned aerial vehicle)、智能家居(smart home/intelligent home control system)、智慧城市(smart city)等多项5G应用和解决方案,在具体的商用领域具有不小的优势。


宽带网络 broadband network

虚拟现实 virtual reality

增强现实 augmented reality

技术规范 technical specification

网络堵塞 network congestion

数据传输速度 data transmission speed

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