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CHINADAILY手机报 2017-02-21 12:55


3. 艺考腐败
corruption associated with arts colleges' admission exams


For years, the independent admission exams of arts colleges have drawn wide public concern, because of the serious corruption associated with them.

全国各艺术院校自主招生(independent recruitment)考试近日陆续开考。一直以来,艺考都是招考腐败的重灾区(a worst-hit area for corruption associated with entrance exam),虽然多地在统一标准(unified standard)和加强考试现场监督方面进行了不少改革,但每年都有艺考腐败案件发生。在此类案件中,有教师利用职务之便索贿(take the advantage of his or her position to extort bribes),有教师充当掮客(broker)谋利(make profits),一些院领导也成为贪腐主体,甚至有学院教师、领导串通(collude with each other)分肥(share out ill-gotten gains, share the booty, divide the spoils),形成黑色利益链条(illegal profit chain)。

艺考滋生腐败(admission exams for arts colleges have bred corruption)的原因在于,对艺考考生表现的评估很大程度上取决于考官的个人判断(the evaluation of an applicant's performance in an arts exam is highly dependent on the examiners' judgment)。为了保证招生的公平公正,中国教育科学研究院研究员储朝晖等人建议:打破艺考负责人的双重身份(dual identities),专业课教授者不得兼任专业测试的测评者;公开透明,考试全场录像,电脑全程监控,畅通各种举报和申诉渠道;斩断培训班利益链条(break the profit chains of training courses),严格规定考官不可组织、参与任何形式的考前辅导和培训,违者必究(violators must be held accountable)。


考试作弊 cheating on the exam

才艺展示 talent show

素颜 without any makeup

监考员 invigilator

替考者 surrogate exam-taker

考前焦虑 pre-exam nerves

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