美国得州一学区让老师配枪,可随时“干掉”危险学生 Texas school district to arm teachers with weapons
中国日报双语新闻 2022-03-12 08:00


得克萨斯州的大赛林独立学区(Grand Saline Independent School District)教育长迈卡·刘易斯(Micah Lewis)告诉《纽约邮报》,该学区内的部分教师已被允许佩戴枪支,若不得已,可拔枪“干掉”(take out)持武器的学生,目前已是实施该措施的第二周。
Some teachers at a tiny school district in Texas are now packing heat — and educators won't hesitate to "take out" an armed student if necessary, the superintendent said Monday.

经过三年的讨论,大赛林独立学区董事会几个月前投票通过了这项所谓的“监护计划”(Guardian Plan)。
District employees who are interested in becoming guardians must apply for the program and go through a screening and training with the Texas Department of Public Safety. They must complete 40 hours of training initially and additional hours on a continuous basis. The staffers must also have a license to carry.
No one knows which teachers or staff members are armed — and Lewis says that's intentional. The guardian keeps possession of the firearm at all times and the weapons are not stored on campus.
"We're educators. I hate that we have to do that, but again, you weigh it out. Do you take this student down if he's mowing people down?" Lewis said.
"It's an easy answer. You take one to save many."
美国《教育周刊》(Education Week)今年3月8日公布的一份报告显示,2018年以来,全美发生了104起校园枪击事件,其中,去年报告了34起。
编辑:焦洁 朱迪齐
来源:纽约邮报 观察者网 海外网