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Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之五)
[ 2007-01-31 20:09 ]

影片对白  It's gonna take a little more than digging a few holes. There are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.

我观之我见  据说 Michael 是有“低危忧郁症”的,这样的人天生就对环境刺激特别敏感,并比普通人容易在更短的时间内接收并处理更多更综合的信息……

考考你  小试牛刀


6. There are eyes, ears, dots that couldn't be connected from the outside.

这里 Michael 是用一个 connect the dots 的游戏打比方。connect the dots 就是我们汉语中所说的“连线游戏”:在一张纸上有许多的点,用笔把这些点连起来,就会呈现一个图形。Connect the dots 作为一个习语,意思是 understand the situation。

Eyes and ears 指的是“了解/知道某些事情的某些人”,例如 A spy is a government's 'eyes and ears' in different places; A reporter is the 'eyes and ears' of a reader who wasn't at the situation the reporter was in.

Michael 这句话的意思是 There are people inside the prison, and knowledge they can find inside the prison, that people from outside can't see. 因为这个越狱计划是 Michael 入狱之前就设计好了的,但在细节上,还需要入狱后再设计。

7. more than meets the eye

意思是“某种情况/某件事/某个人远不是所看到的那样”,比如一个人穿的破破烂烂,但实际上非常聪明有钱。通常这个短语是褒义的。我们来看个例子:There's more to Jack than meets the eye.

8. hold up

“持枪或是武力抢劫”。例如:The gang concentrated on holding up liquor stores and gas stations.

9. fish

在口语中,fish 可以用来指"人",如:a poor fish,a big fish。在俚语中,fish 可以用来称呼刚入狱的囚犯,所以那些囚犯都把 Michael 叫做 Fish。


San Juan & Jamba Juice

1. San Juan

San Juan, capital, largest city, chief port, and commercial and cultural center of Puerto Rico. The city is named after Saint John the Baptist (Spanish: San Juan Bautista). The latest census estimates place the city's population at 433,733, making it the 42nd-largest city under the jurisdiction of the United States. It is also the oldest European settlement in United States territory.

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之五)Coffee, tobacco, sugar, and fruit are exported from the busy port, mainly to the United States. San Juan's industries include tourism, brewing, distilling, and publishing; manufactures include metal products, cement, and clothing. The city is Puerto Rico's financial center and has many international banks and business corporations. San Juan also has an international airport. The city's old section, situated on two rocky islets guarding one of the best harbors in the Caribbean, is linked by bridges with the mainland.

The bay was named Puerto Rico (rich port) by Ponce de León, who in 1508 founded a settlement at nearby Caparra. In 1521 the settlement was moved across the bay to San Juan's present site. Strongly fortified, it withstood attacks by English buccaneers in 1595 but succumbed for a few months in 1598 to George Clifford, earl of Cumberland, and was sacked by the Dutch in 1625. San Juan's port gained increasing importance during the 18th and 19th cent. U.S. troops occupied the city during the Spanish-American War in 1898.

Prison Break 1《越狱》1(精讲之五)In the old city, whose narrow streets, small shops, and houses with overhanging balconies recall a colonial atmosphere, there are impressive historic buildings: El Morro castle (begun 1539), which commands the harbor entrance and is a national monument; San Cristóbal castle (begun 1631), originally a Spanish fort; and La Fortaleza (begun 1529), a former fort now used as the governor's official residence. Other San Juan landmarks include San José Church (founded c.1523), the oldest church in continuous use in the Western Hemisphere; Casa Blanca (1523); and the Cathedral of San Juan Bautista, which contains the tomb of Ponce de León. Also in the city are the Univ. of Puerto Rico and its School of Tropical Medicine, the College of the Sacred Heart, a campus of the InterAmerican Univ. of Puerto Rico, and the Museum of Art of Puerto Rico. Nearby are several resort beaches (notably the Condado and Isla Verde), which attract tourists from North America.

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